Treebros- Makeup

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Idk alot about makeup so if I get stuff wrong please don't kill me. I just thought that this would be really cute

Connor's pov
I love wearing makup. I know it's not the sort of thing that guys do but I still love it. At school I only wear subtle, natural colors so that people don't notice that I'm wearing it but I don't look as crappy as normal. But, when I'm at home on my own I go all out. I use bright eyeshadows and lipsticks which compliment eachother and, I even do my hair sometimes but, I get Zoe to help me with that.

Actually, Zoe's the one that got me interested in makeup in the first place. When we were kids she would try out makeup on me to see if it looked good because we used to look kinda similar. She also used to practice eyeliner on me. I always looked... interesting until recently when she discovered a knack for it. Now she's brilliant at it. She tends to be bolder with her makeup as people don't judge her for it. People don't judge her for dating another girl either. How come I can't date a guy but she can date a girl?! It's so unfair! She has support from everyone. I only get support from her and Evan, my boyfriend. People are just so confusing!

So. I'm walking home with Evan, who, unlike me, does not need to wear any makeup and looks perfect just the way he is. We turned the corner into the driveway of the house that I live in and were greeted with a very unhappy looking Zoe.
"Connor, where did you put that brush that I bought the other day, you know, the one that you said looks like a stingray?"
Now, this wasn't Zoe's fault. She genuinely wanted to know where her brush was but, in the process of asking she kinda told Evan, who had no idea, that I wore makeup.
"I don't know, I haven't touched it." I said through gritted teeth. She didn't take the hint.
"I thought you had it this mor-oh. Oh. Sorry. I guess Mom took it." She finally figured it out. My sister is a genius. Because, ya know, if Evan hadn't figured it out when she first opened her mouth, he sure has now!

Evan's pov
I don't know why Connor tried to hide that he wore makeup. I already knew. Most people didn't notice but I did. He'd use slightly different shades of lipstick or change the way that he applied it on certain days. And I noticed this because... well, I just did. I'm just that sort of person, I guess.

Zoe went back inside, followed by and unhappy Connor followed by a me who really didn't want them to fight. As soon as I stepped into the house Connor slammed to door shut which made me jump and squeak in surprise as I wasn't expecting it.
"Aww, sorry, I didn't mean to scare you Ev" Connor said as he wrapped me in a warm hug of apology. I hummed into his chest. I don't understand why he's got to be sooo tall and I have to be below average hight. I mean, it just makes everything awkward. For example, kissing. He's got to stoop really low and I have to go right onto the tips of my toes. And then I'm only just tall enough.

He pulled away from me and I made a face of disappointment at him.
"No! Stop! I can't handle the cuteness!" Connor threw his arm over his forehead dramatically as he screeched at me. See! If I were tall I wouldn't be cute! I would be... something else? I dunno. I'm just not "cute"!

"I'm sure you'll survive." I said with a pat on the arm that's not covering his face.
"But how though? You're just too adorable!" He whined as he straightened up and put his arm back by his side.

Connor's pov
I led Evan up to my room and shut the door behind me. Suddenly, Zoe's head appeared from behind it,
"Make sure you use protection! And please be quieter than last time! My room is right next door and I could hear everything!" She teased
Evan when bright red and hid his face in his hands.
"That's a bit like the pot calling the kettle black though, isn't it? Remember last week with Alana? I was here the whole time." I fired back
Now Zoe's face became flushed as she stuttered back: "Th-that was different! I d-didn't realise that you were home!"
"Of course. Now run along and go play with your dolls or whatever you like to do." I said with a small smirk so she knew that I was joking.
"Fiiiiiiiiiinnnnne." She got half way through closing the door before she opened it again, "And by the way, I prefer playing with trucks and diggers!" She hollered before slamming the door as hard as she could.

"Soooooooo... what do you wanna do now?" I asked
"Maybe, if you don't mind, could you, possibly do my makeup? Butyoudon'thavetoifyoudon'twantto,Ijustthoughtthatitmightbefun?" He gushed.

Evan knew that I wore makeup. But how? I didn't say anything. Maybe it was Zoe? But, I don't think that she'd do something like that. We have each other's backs with this sort of thing. So, what?
"Why would you want that? I don't know the first thing about makeup." I laughed, nervously.
"Well, for someone who doesn't know anything about makeup, yours sure does look good everyday. I'msorry,I'mbeingrude,forgetthatIsaidanythingandI'llshutupnow!" He prattled.
As much as I dislike people knowing that I wear makeup, I dislike seeing Evan upset like this more.
   "O-ok," I agreed. "I'll do your makeup for you."

Time skip bc I don't know how to makeup ( why did I decide to do this?!)

Zoe's pov
I walked up to Connor's door just to check that they weren't doing anything... sinful. Jk lol I was just nosy and wanted to see what they were doing.
  "Wait. Is that the stingray?" I heard Evan say
   "Yup. And you put it in this and then it goes on this bit and then you do this with it. And then you take this one and you dab it on this one and then you put it here but don't press too hard other wise you'll get an orange splodge on you. You do it lightly like this. Can you see it?"
   I'm sorry but that was so weird. I can tell that they're doing makeup because
a) the stingray and
b) Connor always talks like this with makeup. Like, he says this too much and doesn't really explain very well with words but shows you what to do with all the brushes and powders and stuff as he's talking.

   I barged open the door. Because I could.
   "Ooh, Evan, you look cute!" Was the first thing that came out of my mouth. Because he did. He wasn't wearing anything that Connor wouldn't but I was applied in different ways.
   Connor gave me a look.
   "But not, like, that kind of cute. Like the way you'd call a baby or small child cute!" I said very fast so that my gravestone didn't read:

Here lies Zoe Murphy
She died because she called her brother's boyfriend cute.
Let her rest forever in peace

   "Yo! Earth do Zo! Do you read me? Over." Said Evan in a robotic voice.
   "Like a book." I replied.
   The conversation lulled for a second.
   "Ok. Thank you for dropping by Sis! We really appreciate it but I'd like you to leave me and my too-adorable-for-words boyfriend alone. Thank you!" Connor said in mock anger.
   "Ok ok! I'm leaving!  Just please do take my advice Evan and make sure he uses protection because who knows who he's been sleeping with."
   Connor glowered at me again and Evan looked like he might start crying.
   "Jokes! Jokes! Evan, Connor would never cheat on you, he loves you with all of his heart. Any one can see by the way he looks at you."
I left before I could see their reaction.

Bad quality little thing but oh well.
Also I can't be bothered to proof read this so that's the reason for the mistakes.

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