Boyf Riends- Do NOT yeetus the foetus

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   I wake up to a baby screaming. I'm in a dimly lit room- the only light coming in is from gaps in the curtains. I'm lying in a bed, the sheets are warm and soft and smell clean. I have an arm draped over my waist and I know even before I see it that it belongs to Michael who is lying behind me.
   "I'll go." He mumbles groggily as he slowly gets up. I watch him as he trudges towards the bedroom door before turning over and falling back into a half sleep.
   When I wake, I can't hear the shrieking child anymore, instead, I can hear faint singing "You are me sunshine, my only sunshine..." I get up to go and find out what it is. Walking through the upstairs of the house, I can't believe that its mine although I know it must be. "You make me happy when skies are grey..." There's A cream colored door open just a crack and I think the singing is coming from there "You'll never know, dear, how much I love you..." The closer I get the more I recognise the voice. I reach the door and slowly open it the rest of the way.

   I see Michael nursing a baby. "Please don't take my sunshine away." He finished. I've known Michael for how many years? And I never realised he could sing? Like, what?!
   "Oh, uh, hey, Jere..." He said swivelling his torso around with the baby as it begins bawling in his arms again. "Should I just, y'know, throw it out the window or something?"
   "My God! You're so irresponsible! Give him to me and I'll take care of him!" I retorted. "You go back to bed."
   "Alright," he yawned as if on cue.

   I walk around our small apartment for a while, rocking the tiny, screaming bundle in my arms until, slowly, the crying dies away, replaced by the soft sounds of sleep. I walk back to the baby's room and place him back in the cot. I then shuffle back to the room I woke up in and clamber back into bed with Michael where he wrapped his arm around my waist sleepily.
   "'Night, Jere. Love you."he mumbled into the back of my head.
   "I love you too Micha."

Time skip to the morning

   I wake up in a dimly lit room- the only light coming from gaps in the curtains. I roll over to find the other side of the bed cold and empty.

   I just had the best dream.


Yo I failed at that New Years thing.
But only kinda...? Cuz it's Chinese New Year...?

Who am I kidding? I failed.

Boyf Riends and Treebros OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now