Boyf Riends- Smol Sleepy Boys

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3rd person pov (ooh fancy)

Jeremy was tired. No, not tired, exhausted! He'd tried so hard to stay awake to watch movie marathon with Micheal but he just kept falling asleep. Micheal noticed this.
   "Jeremy, would you like to go to bed?" He asked.
   "No, I'm fine," Jeremy yawned.
   Micheal stood up and lifted Jeremy bridal style and carried him to their room. "C'mon. You're too tired for this."
   "Noooooooooooooooooo!!! I'm awake! I'm awake!" Jeremy screeched.
   "Exactly," Micheal explained, "you wouldn't be tired if you were asleep now, would you?"
   Jeremy just grumbled into his boyfriends chest in response. "But, you wanted to have a movie night for ages and I always ruin it by falling asleep!"
   "You don't, you just remind me that we're human and we need sleep like all the muggles out there." He gently laid him down on the bed before lying down himself.

   Jeremy pulled the duvet over them. "Micha, can you sing for me?" He asked drowsily.
   "Of course. I am da wittowest minotaur, da wittowest minotaur in da world. I have da wittowest~"
   "Noooooooooooooooooo! Micheal! Stop! Sing something nice!" Jeremy whined
   "But that is nice! Ok, umm no one deserves to be forgotten, no one deserves to fade away..." From the deluxe album, not the original.

   Half way through the song Micheal looked down to see a peacefully sleeping Jeremy. He curled himself into Jeremy's side and drifted off too.

Short but whatever.

Also Alex Boniello's voice.

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