Treebros- Plan B

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Yo I got this off of the internet and it sounded like something I would do.

Evan's pov:

I'm still amused by the v: face

It was chemistry and I was just casually sitting at my desk as the other students filed in waiting for class to start when Connor ran up to me looking pretty frantic,
"Evan!" He wheezed, "Evan, do you have a band-aid?"
"Why? Where are you hurt? What happened? Who do I need to keep you from stabbing?"
"Its nothing, I just scraped my knee when I fell for you." He said with a smirk.
I laughed. "Come on! That was rubbish!"
"Ok," he looked at the ground and rubbed the back of his neck, "uh they call me a fireman because I turn all the hoes on...?"
"No, that just implies that I'm a hoe. And no one want to be called a hoe unless its themselves saying it like in winter when Zoë wears short-shorts and says "a hoe never gets cold" literally once every 5 seco-"
"Settle down now class. Take your seats. I swear to God Mr. Dillinger if you pick up your chair and ask me where I want you to take it one more time I will put you in detention!" I was cut off by our teacher walking in and shouting at nobody in particular.

The class silently cowered as we all got our books and pencil cases out and the teacher began the lesson.

"Hey, hey, Evan?" Connor whispered to me.
"What do you want?" I asked
"Do you believe in love at first sight?"
"Or do I need to walk past you again?"
I kicked him under the table.

"... in this reversible reaction, ammonia and hydrogen chloride can be heated to..."
"Yo, Evan can you show me your notes for this and give me your number?"
"Here," I slid my book across the desk to him, "and I'm not going to fall for it. You already have my number."

"... and so if you increased the temperature of this other reversible reaction, the equilibrium would shift to the endothermic side to decrease the temperature..."
Connor slid a piece of paper across the desk to me with names of elements on.
I looked at him quizically.
"Find their symbols." He mouthed to me
'You are copper and tellurium' (CuTe)
'You are full of beryllium, gold, titanium' (BeAuTi-ful)
'You are fluorine, iodine and neon' (FINe)
'This isn't a pick up line but it's cool: carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, cobalt, lanthanum and tellurium' (CHOCoLaTe)
I flipped the piece of paper and wrote that it still wasn't working.

"... And if you take into account Le Chatelier's principle this equation's equilibrium will shift to decrease the amount of substance produced. Right, I hope that you have all your notes down. You will be quizzed on this next lesson. Class dismissed."
I looked down at my page. I only had a paragraph written because bloody Connor kept distracting me with his bloody pick up lines!
"Ugh! Look at this! I have no notes down and I'm going to fail the quiz next lesson because you kept writing me those stupid pick lines!" I shrieked at him.
"Relax, Ev, I can just get notes off Pritti."
"Jamie's friend? The one that wants to be a doctor? No, she hates me because she was explaining why we need to listen in careers lessons and I sneezed too loudly and laughed at the 'vagitarian' joke that Dean made."
"Nah, she just wants to be respected."
"Why did you keep writing me those awful pick up lines. You knew the weren't going to work, didn't you?" I asked
"So, why did you do it?" I pressed
"It was only Plan A." He shrugged
"Plan A? How many plans are there?"
"At the moment only one more"
"So, what's Plan B?"
He smirked at me like he did at the start of the lesson.
"What is iiiiittt?" I asked, shaking his shoulders.
"Kidnapping you." He scooped me up over his shoulder and picked up my backpack by the peg loop.

He carried me through the school all the while I shouted at him to put me down and let me walk by my self. No one said anything- this isn't the first time that this has happened.

He walked across the parking lot, (*Cringes Britishly*) unlocks his car and dumps me in the passenger seat.

I didn't know where we were going so it was a little bit scary. But, it was,way more fun. Connor owns a mini van which sounds lame but really isn't because it means that you can fit loads of stuff in or loads of people in. It smells a little bit if weed but it smells a big bit like Connor and the seats are cracked from use and there's a stain on the inside of the roof from when Zoë and I tried to eat soup while Connor was driving. So, it's pretty run down but, we wouldn't trade it for the world. I mean, we probably would but we do like the van very much.

After I'd clipped my seatbelt on I turned to look at the back seat where I saw an oddly shaped pile of things with a blanket draped over.

We'd been driving in comfortable silence for a while when I asked:
"Connor? What's under the blanket on the back seat?"
"Don't ask questions. Just sit there and look cute until we get there please." He said.
"Well, where are we going?"
"Well," he mocked, "back home if you don't stop asking questions"
I stopped asking questions.

Time skip because I'm lazy :)

After about half an hour we arrived at a nature reserve. Connor never takes me to this one because I come here all the time by myself. He usually takes me to places further away that are a hastle to get to on buses.

Connor got out of the car and spoke to the ticket guy. You don't get real tickets here. You get a wristband if you're a child which, depending on the color, says where you are and aren't allowed to go. If you're and adult you also get a wristband but it says words on it about where you can and can't go depending on what you've paid for.

My phone genuinely would not accept that I was trying to type 'color'. It was all like "NO YOU'RE BRITISH! YOU DO BRITISH THINGS LIKE SAY 'COLOUR' AND DRINK TEA!"

Connor walked back to the van with two wristbands, one on his wrist and the other presumably for me. I held out my arm for him to put it on.
"You can't have this yet. It'll tell you where we're going." He told me.

We drove on in silence. We wove through a forested area and emerged at a hilly field.

At one end was a projector and across the field were cars and trucks scattered. Connor drove over to and up a hill and stopped at the top. He pulled our wristbands out of his pocket, handed me mine and got out of the car while attempting to put on his own but they were the paper ones with the sticky patch that gets stuck to the tiny hairs on your arms and then keeps sticking to you until you take it off and is super annoying so he stuck it to his arm by accident.

Connor broke the silence, "I, um, i thought we could watch a film together. I looked up the times and the website said that The Sound of Music is going to start soon and I know you like that musical so..." he trailed off.
"Wait," I said, "so, let me get this straight. Your plan was to kidnap me and take me to see a cute film which I would have happily watched with you without the kidnapping?" I questioned.
"Yeah, I guess." He laughed and I couldn't help but join in as the movie started.

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