Boyf Riends- Pebbles

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Struze27 doubted me.

Jeremy's pov:
I like that the colon and v make a face

I always keep a pebble in my pocket. It's not just a random pebble that I picked up off the beach that some dog has probably peed on. No, it's a special pebbles I guess.

It's a tradition. My friend Michael and I always give each other a pebble on special occasions. It started on Valentine's day when we were 14. We were both without dates. So he suggested that we get each other "platonic pebbles" so we did. And we haven't stopped since.

We always decorated our pebbles. But I'm not very good at art so I always felt bad giving him a pebble that didn't look as nice as the ones he gave me.

We also used our pebbles to tell each other important things. Like he used his to come out as gay and he cried and I cried and it was great and then I stole the idea and came out as bi.

But the pebble I keep in my pocket is better than those ones. It's the pebble he used to ask me out on a date with him.

I remember when he gave it to me he was so scared.

It was his birthday and we don't usually give pebbles on birthdays because you get 'normal' presents then anyway. Ot was in a little paper box and tied with a ribbon. I opened it up and I read the pebble and I guess I said nothing for too long because he got flustered and started rambling with tears in his eyes, scared that he'd ruined a friendship, but I looked at him and I said:
"This isn't a very platonic pebble,"
He laughed a little and nodded his head in agreement, "So, uuh, I assume you say no?"
"What? No! Of course i say yes! You have no idea how long I've waited for this, Michael!"
"Oh... good?"
I think he was bit overwhelmed by my screaming that I would be his boyfriend.
"Yeah, good"

He keeps a "yes" pebble in his pocket too. So that if he ever doubts himself he can feel the weight in his pocket and know that I believe in him and that I said yes the first time he asked with has got to say something, right?

Yo. This is short and it is awful. But, I have over 500 reads now so I felt obliged to write something. The first 2 paragraphs of this have been in my drafts for too long (almost 4 months) and Struze27 said that I wouldn't be able to make a fanfiction about pebbles so I proved him wrong.

Feel free to point out and mistakes and/or inconsistencies and I hope you enjoyed it :)

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