Boyf Riends- Coffee Shop

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   I'm standing in a queue at a coffee shop. All I wanted was a black coffee. There's a guy who keeps going up to the counter and complaining that he "still hasn't gotten his hot chocolate" and he has "Very. Low. Blood sugar".

   Waiting in queues is beyond boring. I have the most patient Mom in the world- she could stand in a queue for another queue whereas I can't even stand in a four person queue for a bloody coffee.

   I guess the reason she's so good at it is because she makes up stories about the other people waiting. We did it when I was little but I only ever made the stories up with her. Never on my own.

   I guess I'll give it a go.

   The girl at the front of the queue goes to my school (this isn't part the story the I'll make up, she genuinely goes to my school) Chloe I think she is or was going out with Jake- I've struggled to keep up with whose going out with who since high school started and everyone discovered hormones and everything got waaaaaaay too complicated.

   Right. Story. Let's pretend she's older. She's an adult and she adopted a kid. She's a single mom but she's doing great, she has a well paying job and lots of friends. They live in an apartment that she always says is too small but really she loves it because it's cosy.

   The girl standing behind her lives next door to her. She has a boyfriend but doesn't live with him. She lives with her brother because it's cheaper to share an apartment than have one each, especially while they're finding their feet as adults. Her bedroom is decorated with quirky things. Sort of like the mustard yellow jumper she's wearing. Their family are they own people: they like what they like and ignore society's expectations and the latest trends and they're admired for that.

   Now, the boy in front of me. Wow. He's cute. Like, really cute. The curls in his ruffled Brown hair stick out at odd angles and his clothes has off of his skinny frame but he just looks so... cuddly I guess. We'd order our coffee but he'd have something really complicated and hard to make but I always buy a black coffee what I go here. I never have any of their cold, shitty pastries- I only did that once and I will never, ever make that mistake again. I'd get my hot caffeinated beverage and sit have somewhere in the shop. He'd wait for a while to get his and by the time his was ready, mine would be cool enough to drink (I hate eating or drinking really hot things) but there's be nowhere to sit so he'd sit next to me and we'd get to know each to her a bit. He's really nice and he like retro, out-of-print games just like me. We'd exchange phone numbers and I'd panic about when to call him or if I should even call him at all and just wait for him to call me first. But, I'd enlist the help of my favourite couple, Rick and Jake, to assist me and they would give me some really useless help but it would be fine because he'd call first anyway, while they were there in fact, and I'd be bricking it and I'd answer and stutter and they'd yell something embarrassing down the phone and...

   And suddenly I'm at the front of the line. I order my black coffee and sit down in one of the only available seats. Cute Brown Hair boy is still wandering about trying to find somewhere to sit. I settle down, sip my coffee and burn my tongue.

   "Sorry, do you mind if sit here?"

   I gesture to the seat and he sits.

   "My name's Jeremy by the way..."

If you find any mistakes feel free to say so :)

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