Treebros- Christmas

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"Seeing as it's Christmas I thought that as a present to the people who read this I'd get my shit together and actually write something." Is what I said when I assumed I'd be able to finish this before Christmas which I clearly haven't done. So here's a late Christmas present I guess? Y'know, after you think all the excitement's over and you get no more gifts, this appears. Although, it a pretty rubbish gift.

Evan pov:

Connor loves Christmas. No, not loves, adores. Despite his edgy-teen appearance he is still a six year old child at heart. He has Christmasafied the whole apartment. We have a strategically placed angel and star on our tree.

Back when it was just Mom and I, we wouldn't decorate much as Mom had no time and I always waited to do it with her. I think the most we'd ever had was a cheap, plastic tree with a star in top. But, it isn't just Mom and I anymore! It's Connor and I and that's more that I could ever ask for.

I feel like Connor tried to go for a woodland type theme with an impeccably dressed tree covered with baubles of all different origins- for example, there's a tacky "Baby's fist Christmas" one of mine and a red, white and blue glass one hand made by Connor at a glassware shop because his family can afford to spend money on that kind of thing.

We had tinsel around every picture frame, every mirror and even round some of the lamp shades!

There were small Christmas themes figurines on the book shelves and wide ribbons pinned up where the ceiling and wall meet with cards on.

I struggle to picture him carefully tacking each card to its respective place on a ribbon and cautiously placing and replacing each bauble and figure to perfection.

"Evan!!!!!" Connor called, "Do you want to order a Christmas pizza!?! I can't be bothered to cook!!!"
"Sure. But what makes it a "Christmas pizza"?" I shouted back, making my way towards the kitchenette which is where I assumed Connor was.
"Because it's Christmas!!" Everything he said at the moment was followed by at least two exclamation marks.
I reached the kitchenette and found Connor with tinsel draped over himself and laying down on the counter. "Connor get your filthy self off of the counter!! That's where we put our food! I don't need Connor-germs in my mac and cheese or in my cookies or in any of my food for that matter."
Connor hopped off the table. "You were more than happy to have my 'Connor-germs' the other day though, weren't you?"
I blushed and shoved him.

"So. Pizza?"
"Only if you're ordering!"
"Then yes!" Connor left to go find his phone and order. While he was gone I tried to think if something nice to get for the Murphy siblings. I just couldn't choose anything for Connor. Nothing seemed to catch my eye or jump out at me as something he would like. Finding something for Zoe was the complete opposite: everything I saw looked as if it could be a potential gift. I just knew her far too well, at one point she was more of a mom to me than my actual, biological mother. To be fair, my mom was only distant (figuratively and/or litteraly) because she was working awkward hours and I had to go to school.

Anyway, Murphys. Gift. Preferably now. I had a stroke of genius! Well, maybe not genius but something smarter than normal that's for sure. I began to devise a brilliant plan and, by the time the pizza arrived, I had the whole thing planned out.

Connor pov

It was cold. C O L D. I had been lying on the cold kitchen counter which would probably explain it but now it's warm. And that is probably explained by the fact that Evan and I are sitting against a radiator eating piping hot pizza. It was good though. Moments like these. Where I'm just me and I'm allowed to just be me. Where I don't have to worry about the looks people give us or what the people who don't give looks actually think. About will Evan want to marry me or have kids or will he even stick around until Easter? All of that can just... float away, for lack of a better phrase.

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