Boyf Riends- The Succ

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Vul1ure would like me to write something so I have. And I know he prefers boyf riends so I've done that too.

3rd person pov

   The house was empty. It was serene but almost eerie. The faded, beige curtains blew gently in the soft breeze and patches of light fell onto the slightly stained carpet, dappled from the trees in the yard.

   Suddenly, there was a burst of movement from the front door. Two teenaged boys stumbled through it.

   The house was no longer serene. It was loud and a straight up nightmare. It quickly became apparent to the Borrowers living in the house that Michael and Jeremy had arrived.

   "Yo Mickey wanna succ?" Jeremy shouted from one side of the open plan living space.
   "Sure!" Michael shouted from the other.

   Our boys did the succ then went to sleep on the couch.

There you go. Hope you enjoyed the coitus you so desperately wanted me to write. To be fair, I'm not sure if that counts.

I always cringe when I write Americanisms. For part of my drama GCSE we've been put into groups and our piece is about gun crime and control so it's set in America. Our accents are actual trash, like, to the point where one kid just gave up and went Australian. Incase you haven't guessed, I'm Brittish.

I'm joking. I'm in the process of writing something real. Hopefully I'll finish it soon. I'll do my best :)

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