Boyf Riends

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I looked at writing prompts because I'm very creative.

I thought I'd try this because it's a bit different. Y'all should tell me what you think of it.

Edit after I got to a point where I could not continue: This is really long and really not worth reading. It has literally no plot, like, nothing happens

He was a spy. On missions he went by 21-year-old Matthew Inman,(I stole that name from a card game box) spending his gap year travelling the world to find out about "different cultures and stuff, dude". But in reality he was 19-year-old Micheal Mell who studies for exams between deadly missions in various, yet strictly confidential, locations.

Micheal quite liked his double life. However, there were many risks that came with it.
• What if he was captured?
• What if he was tortured for information? Would he be able to withhold it?
• What if he was killed? What would his moms do?
But most importantly
• What if someone from school recognized him?
He sometimes struggled to keep the act up though. Maybe his accent would slip or he would randomly change his mannerisms part of the way through a conversation because he'd forgotten not to use his own.

He walked into the HQ that morning and everything was good. He'd gotten an early night and woken up early and because of this he'd had time to have a shower, choose a decent outfit and style his hair. Like I said: everything was good. That was until he saw the letter tucked into his cubby hole. The envelope was crisp and white and the writing addressing it to him was swoopy and loopy but also neat and deliberate at the same time.

He read the letter and his face immediately darkened.

Micheal barged into his boss's office, which currently had an important meeting in, and said very loudly "Can somebody explain to me in small words why I have been assigned this mission?" as he slammed the torn open envelope onto the smooth glass table.
Everyone around the table sat there dumbfounded for a few seconds before looking to the woman at the head of the table, Chloe Valentine. Nobody dared question her so when one of the agency's best but most timid spies did, she didn't really know what to say.
"Well..." she began, "it's complicated..." she hesitated. "I think it would be best if we had a chat after my meeting. I'll only be a few more minutes. If you wait outside you'll be the first person I call in."

In truth, Chloe had no idea why Micheal had been assigned that mission. Sure, he was their best agent but this was so risky. Mission assignment wasn't her job but she knew the people with that kind of power would have to have run it by her first. Get her stamp of approval but, they hadn't. She had absolutely no knowledge of this.

As the meeting drew to a close Chloe said to her employees that they may leave. All except Rich Goranski who was in charge of assigning missions to Michael's sector of the HQ.

Rich was short and easily intimidated. He didn't always think before he acted and he didn't always use the small amount of common sense he had. But, he was good-willed and had a strong moral compass and that's what Chloe looked for in her employees: a good heart rather than a good head.

He sat nervously while she opened the door to call Michael in.
"So," Chloe said as she turned and closed the door after Michael shuffled into the room, his previous burst of confidence having dissipated, "why has Michael been assigned this mission? And why was it not run by me first?" She sat delicately in her office chair, legs crossed and hands loosely clasped and resting on them. Y'know the intimidating lady supervillain pose

Rich stuttered for a second. "Well... we thought that maybe it would be good for Michael to be a part of this mission because he already goes to the school so wouldn't need to go undercover...?" He said, inflecting his words unintentionally.

Honestly, Rich was baffled as to why Michael had been assigned a mission involving drug addiction and alcoholism and possible murder, none of which Michael had come across during an independent mission, him being so young and all. He opened his mouth to speak but paused before doing so,
"Actually I was going to suggest we pair Michael with Mr. Heere... I was going to ask you for clearance but my team clearly misunderstood what I was telling them and assumed that you'd already given me the go ahead." Rich rambled before catching himself and gaining a small amount of control over the words coming out of his mouth.

"I suppose that wouldn't be the worst idea..." Chloe pondered from far across the room in her executive office chair, "Fine, you have clearance. But, I want a back up team on hand at all times to pull Michael out of there as soon as his life becomes endangered, understand?"

"Y-yes ma'am."

"You may leave."

Rich scurried out of the room and Michael began to get up from his chair that was only slightly less posh that Chloe's.
"You're staying." She said and began to wheel her chair over to the frightened boy for her butt was too good to sit in any chair other than that one. It must always feel executive.

When the chair reached the desired port on the floor she flipped into it, took her high heeled shoes off and wiggled her toes. "I made a mistake buying those bloody shoes." She mumbled (I'm scared I'm making them too British) "Now, hun, do you actually want to go on that mission?" She asked

"Of course I do!" Replied Michael, "I have literally no other way of paying rent and maintaining the standard of life and quality of living that I have now." He reasoned.

"Michael, you know that's not what I mean." She warned.

"Yeah, I do," he looked at the soft, cream carpet, "I do want to do it. I want to do every mission I can and I want to work with Mr. Heere and I think it would be a great experience... but I am a little scared." He sniffed.

"Oh, Michael, what are we going to do with you?" She pulled him in for a hug, "you can say at any time that you don't want to do something. You know that right? We'll have a support team on standby and Mr. Heere seems as though he doesn't care about anything but, really he does. He's wanted to work with you for a long time now."

"Really?" He broke away slightly so he could look her in the eyes.

"Of course, you're one of the best. Now there's a small bathroom through that door there, go clean yourself up." She pointed to a plain black door in the corner of the room. "Oh, and I might have someone in here when you get out so try to be quiet so they don't get distracted please." Chloe put her shoes back on and began pushing her leather chair back across the room as Michael hurried in the opposite direction.

The bathroom was nice. It was back and white and very minimalist. With only a toilet, a sink, a mirror and a small cupboard.

Michael moved over to the sink  and looked in the mirror. His cheeks were a little pink and his eyes had a red tinge from crying. He splashed some cold water in his face to cool himself down and just sat on the floor for a minute or two to calm himself down because there was no point in leaving if he was just going to start crying again as soon as he left.

When he did leave Chloe was yelling at some poor soul who'd handed in some sloppy paper work. "You must be out of your Goddanm mind if you think this is adequate!" She boomed throwing the papers down on the table. Michael shuffled across the back of the room and out the door that had been cleverly left slightly ajar to allow a silent exit.

I've gotten to the point where I actually despise this now and just want to write something different.

Tell me if you thinks it's actually decent even thought nothing really happened and if it is and you remind me enough I'll continue it. Maybe.

Also for our english class we're doing creative writing and I'm S T R U G G L I N G  (not sure I spelt that right) if any one has an idea for a prompt like "well, this is not the result I expected" please help me. I have no imagination and am in need of some help.

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