Chapter 6

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(Stan Pov)


I yawned opening my eyes seeing Kyle in his bed sleeping like a baby, smiling at the sight I got up from the flour seeing it was six in the morning. stretching my arms up hearing a small pop as I do so, I made my way to the bathroom.

closing the door behind me I stare at the mirror, my hair was a mess and my shirt looked a mess hopefully Kyle would let me borrow a shirt. I turned the water on getting a hand full and started cleaning my face, the cold water felt great cooling me down from the heat from Kyle's house.

walking back to Kyle's room dying my face I saw the door was closed I was sure that I left it open, opening it my eyes widen seeing Kyle in only boxers "s-shit Stan!" Kyle hissed out grabbing the closer jeans putting them on.

I felt my face burning "didn't you take the hint by the door was closed?" Kyle mumble out sighing his face was bright red not looking at me in the eyes, "I didn't think!" I admitted looking away from Kyle's chest.

I heard movement in the halls seeing Kyle dash for a shirt "what the hell is going on?" Ike mumble sleepy still, he came to the door looking in to see a full dressed Kyle. "nothing Stan just texted me saying he's drunk again" Kyle lied making me glare, Ike nodded "he needs to fix that up" he responded with shame.

as Ike left I turned to Kyle annoyed who smiled "want to borrow one of my shirts? you jacket and shirt kinda smells" he teased holding his nose, I rolled my eyes giving a small smile "yah I was about to ask that anyways" I responded watching Kyle dig in his closet.

I pulled out my phone seeing I had two miss messages

Craig<3: Morning the guys want to know if you want to walk to school together?

Craig<3: oh are you still sleeping? just text me back before seven.

"here wear this" Kyle mutter out throwing a green shirt at me I nodded grabbing the bottom of my shirt hearing Kyle gasp "Dude!" he hissed his face was red again making me look at him confuse.

"your a girl remember!" he stated pointing at my chest looking down at my tits I was sure as hell embarrassed "t-thanks for reminding me" I whisper seeing Kyle sigh walking out the room closing the door behind him.

I need to remember that I'm a girl and I have to act like one of them, rolling my shirt over my head and changing in Kyle's shirt. it's always nice that Kyle would always let me borrow whenever I sleep over I look over at my jacket sighing, I'll just get it after school.

walking down stairs seeing Kyle with his Mom in the kitchen "ah so your Kyle's new little friend" she said in a happy voice, "hey I'm Stacy" I responded watching her smile at me going back to cooking.

I sat down next to Kyle by the table "so what's the plan?" Kyle asked keeping his voice low, I looked over at him confuse "oh yah you wasn't there well Cartman is making another event today" Kyle whisper filling me in.

"the event is about singing he's making Kenny sing since he's the best singer out of all of us" Kyle added, "so I guess we'll win this but we need Stan as the male Stan" Kyle whisper peeking over at his mother who was too busy to even listen.

"yah but how the hell do I turn back to normal?" I asked, I was a bit confuse I wanted to stay as a girl to get closer to Craig yet I wanted to be myself again. "I'll spend my breaks on the computer I'll even go in the deep web" Kyle mumble drinking his orange juice, I nodded grabbing my phone I should reply to Craig.

Me: Yah I'll meet you guys up

 Craig<3: cool we're going to Tweek's coffee shop to pick up Tweek now

"I'm going to go now ok?" I muttered out as Kyle gave me an confuse look, "by the way punch Kenny for me!" I added running out of the house hearing a small bye from Kyle's Mom. while running over to the coffee shop I could spot Token outside with Clyde, "hey Stacy" Clyde said waving me over.

Token stared at me before waving "isn't that one of Kyle's shirt?" he question rising one of his eyebrows at me, before I could speak Clyde gasp "are you dating Kyle!" he shouted his eyes were wind. I open my mouth to speak "that explains so much! you guys would look so cute together!" he added answering his own question.

I groaned annoyed "we're not dating!" I hissed out I could hear chuckling behind us turning to see Tweek and Craig who had a big grin, "awe but you would just look cute together" Clyde moaned out upset.

"didn't you like K-Kyle with Stan?" Tweek question taking a sip of his coffee, my face heated up does Craig and his friends talk about my friends even me?? "hey Stan has a girlfriend remember" Token pointed out rolling his eyes at Clyde.

I shivered I almost forgot about Wendy she would kill me or tell the whole school about my secret by now if I was seen as Stan with Craig, "yah he's with that Bitch" Craig chuckled out walking ahead to start the walk.

while walking Clyde kept talking about pairing people up together as Token spoke to Tweek who kept muttering pressure about listening to two people at the same time. "Clyde who would you pair me with?" I asked hoping he would say Craig, Clyde thought for a moment "with Kenny" he pointed out smiling.

I glared at him but looked at Craig to see him stopped and was glaring at Clyde as well "with the fucking Perv?" Craig asked angry, Token laughed beside Tweek who looked confuse. Clyde nodded "that's the best kind of love! the kind that hate each other yet perfect!" he stated "it's like you and St-" "Shut the fuck up" Craig cut Clyde off flipping him off walking faster to school.

what a great start of the day...

Clyde rushed after Craig with Tweek leaving me and Token behind, "don't mind them Craig just don't like the shipping thing that Clyde likes" Token stated with a smile. I nodded so Craig doesn't like being paired up with anybody?

"hey what do you think about Craig?" Token asked walking with me, should I tell him the truth or lie? looking at Token I didn't realize that Craig's group of friends were really nice and to be honest  I wish Cartman would be like Tweek, Kenny kinda act like Clyde but he acts his mind than Clyde who keep it under control and Token and Kyle seem to be alike.

I sigh hearing Token cough "I understand you just met him this week but it's nice to see him talking about someone else for a change" Token mutter out laughing at the end "don't mind me I'm just talking my thoughts out" he added giving me a friendly smile.

so Craig talks about me? I felt my cheeks heat up "you should think about joining our little friend group it would change a lot to have a girl in the group" Token stated, fuck I forgot I was a girl again! so... Craig was talking about Stacy not Stan, my heart felt broken yet full.. it's really confusing.

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