Chapter 11

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(Stan Pov)


"you need to stop being this Stacy chick dude" Kyle said as he was giving me a lecture, I sigh beside him looking over the other side of the hall seeing Craig's friends were all eating again yet Craig wasn't with them.

"Hippie where have you been lately!" Cartman said annoyed walking over to our table, "on the planet earth Fatass" I responded hearing a small giggle behind me. "Babe!" Wendy's voice called feeling her arms wrap round me, Kyle eyed me but didn't say anything.

"hey baby" I responded making a fake smile as I looked over to her, "could I speak to you for a moment?" she question making her voice like an anime girl. I rolled my eyes  which I knew was a mistake I soon groan feeling her pitching my back which was hidden since she had her chest hiding her fucking hand from everybody!

I stood up hearing Wendy cheer happily, I gave Kyle a short stare hoping he would understand that this wasn't normal. as we made it out of the dinner hall I stopped seeing that Wendy had turned around to face me, "why didn't you tell me about Stacy?" she hissed out pitching my arm with her sharp nails.

I yelp in pain grabbing her arm with my other hand "s-she didn't come to mind!" I lied panicking "didn't come to mind?" she mocked angry "where have you even been?!" she hissed out using her other hand to pitch my arm that was holding her.

I let go of her in pain feeling tears well up "I'm sorry!" I said hoping she would just stop, "you need to stop ignoring me and I swear to god if Craig is the reason you been away from me I'll make your life a living hell!" she said making my arm bleed at how hard she was gripping onto it.

she realest me breathing in and out putting a smile on, "oh Stan you so cute sometimes!" she said putting her fake voice on, I turned around seeing Kyle by the door "just wanted to make sure everything is ok" he said looking over to me.

"everything is perfect right Stan?" Wendy lied putting her head on my shoulder, I felt her hold my arm that was bleeding by her chest to hide it. "y-yah everything is fine" I lied still feeling the pain on my arms, Kyle slowly nodded walking back in the dinner hall.

Wendy pushed me to the ground which I didn't expect her to do, "now be a good boyfriend and hang out with me after school or else" she hissed out walking back in the dinner hall. I stayed on the flour looking at my arm, "fucking hell" I mumble seeing that my arm was bloody.

I gently got off the flour making my way to the bathroom hearing heavy breathing, I sigh going to the sink and start washing the cut. I should hurry up before whoever it is walk out and see my arm, I cursed under my breath hearing the stall open. I put the bleeding side facing my body so whoever it was couldn't see it, "Marsh" Craig mumble walking beside me.

I watched as he washed his hands making my heart beat faster I jump spotting him staring at me "I said what you looking at?" Craig repeated  rising an eye brow at me, I shook my head "I wasn't staring!" I lied. I felt Craig lift my chin staring into my eyes.

why is he so close to me?

I felt my heart beating faster than before staring deep in his dark blue eyes as he stared into mine, "have you been crying?" Craig finally said concerned. "shit" I mumble Craig kept his hand on my chin staring deep into my eyes, "what's wrong?" he asked worried.

I felt my eyes water up not being able to keep it in anymore, I burst out crying before I could speak a word making Craig gasp as he pulled me into a hug. "Stan it's ok calm down" he whisper in my ear as I kept crying.

I've been holding everything Wendy ever did and said to me before and it seems like it was just flowing out, "I c-can't handle this anymore!" I sobbed out feeling Craig rub my back. "Stan speak to me please" he begged bring us to the flour so I was sitting in his lap as he sat on the flour.

Craig gently wiped my tears away staring into my eyes as he did so, "what can you not handle anymore?" he question concerned before I could stop myself I told him the truth, "it's W-Wendy!" I sobbed out feeling him rock me.

"what do you mean Wendy? last time I saw you both you two were kissing" Craig said bring back the  time I only kissed her to shut her up, "it's h-hard to explain" I said wanting to tell him everything but I couldn't bring myself to tell him, he'll hate me even more.

Craig sigh shaking his head "then tell me everything that isn't hard to explain" Craig whisper I thought for a moment, "I d-don't love Wendy anymore" I admitted. that was the only thing I could say that wasn't hard to tell.

Craig looked confuse "is she making you date her?" he asked trying to understand, I nodded leaning my head on his shoulder. I thought being in Craig's lap and leaning on his shoulder would be one of my happy moments in my life so why am I so down still...

maybe he's only doing this because he feels bad for me I bet he would do the same for anybody... I gasp as Craig touched my arm making me hide my face in his shoulder now, he saw it... the nail scars and the blood...

"d-did Wendy do this?" Craig whisper rubbing my arm in a gentle way, I couldn't move since I was too scared of what he would do. I'm already dead since Craig knows about Wendy he's going to do something stupid or face her about this.

"is this the f-first time she done this to you?" Craig asked he was finding it harder to keep clam and I just knew he would lose it if I kept telling him anymore. "C-Craig you can't tell her I t-told you! you can't tell anybody!" I stated feeling my eyes water again, Craig stared at me as if I was joking but I wasn't.

Craig sigh "fine I won't tell but Stan, I'm not going to stand around and watch her do this to you" he said hugging me. we stayed on the flour for the rest of the lunch time him sitting on the flour as I sit on his lap with his head above my head while my head was on his shoulder.

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