Chapter 13

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(Craig Pov)


as the bell rang I spotted Clyde getting shoved by Wendy as she walked up to Stan grabbing my hoodie so he couldn't leave, "cupcake come on there's something I want to show you!" Wendy giggled out pulling Stan away from Kyle who were about to say something.

my eyes widen seeing Stan look around panicking making me get up but felt my arm get tugged seeing Token "I'm going with Clyde to his house to clean up before you and Tweek come but if you see Stacy anywhere ask her to join us" Token stated.

 "sorry but he's my fucking boyfriend go back fucking Stacy like the rest of the guys" Wendy spat out catching my attention as I looked over seeing her dragging Stan out the classroom earning him to groan in pain.

I pushed past Token seeing Kyle rushing out as well following him, "h-hey you can't do that!" Kyle said rushing after her. I kept walking hoping I didn't lose them as students came rushing into the hallway.

"Craig s-slow down" Tweek said trying to catch up to me with the guys, "it's fine I bet Wendy is just showing me something cute or cool that she found" Stan's voice stated. I couldn't see them as people stopped in front of us.

I groaned annoyed pushing past people now but bumping into Kyle who looked at me confuse "your in a rush" he mumble out, "where are they?" I question earning Kyle to roll his eyes "how should I know where their going?" Kyle responded walking away from me.

"Craig what is going on?" Clyde asked confuse, looking over at them Token crossed his arms "you know chasing him won't change a thing" Token mumbled out. "C-Craig?" Tweek whisper, sighing I walked away going outside so I could hear them better and explain.

"yes Tweek?" I responded watching Tweek twitch as he looked up at me "why d-does Stan have your hoodie?" he question earning Clyde and Token to look confuse as well, "oh yah explain" Clyde said grinning.

I felt my cheeks darker a bit keeping a straight face on, "it's just a hoodie I let him borrowed it since he was cold" I lied keeping my promise. Token stared at me "I thought you moved on to Stacy?" he mumble "who cares!? my ship is sailing!!" Clyde shouted jumping up and down fangirling.

 I flipped them both off "Stacy is cool but Stan was my first crush" I whisper feeling bad for the guy, he's been going through something between Wendy so long. was he even in love with Wendy at all?

looking around the playground I couldn't see Stan or Wendy anywhere making me sigh "I just wanted to get my hoodie back from him before I go to Clyde's" I mumble lying, I felt like Stan was in danger.

"ah okay I think I understand, well come on Tweek could get the drinks and food while me and Token clean up" Clyde said smiling. Tweek nodded rushing off to the town leaving me alone, maybe Stan was safe?

"Craig!" a annoying voice called out making me groan, turning around seeing Cartman and Kenny who looked bored yet looking for something or someone... "what?" I replied annoyed, "we're winning  this today and that's the singing contest!" Cartman said smirking.

I flipped him off "win it, I don't care" I responded. I'm sick of all this kid games, as I was about to leave I soon spotted Bebe with Wendy who was crying on her shoulder. "h-he broke up with me and told me to k-kill myself!" she sobbed out making me stunned.

Stan would never tell anybody to kill themselves even to Cartman he would never, I walked over to them wanting to know more. "Wendy what's wrong?" I asked trying to be nice just to get her mouth talking.

Wendy turned to me with tears running down her cheeks "S-Stan been lying to everybody about who he is!" she sobbed out, "I've seen it, how he lies about everything make stories up he even b-beat the living crap out of me!" she said wiping her tears away.

I found it hard to believe was Stan telling the truth about Wendy or was Wendy lying?

"b-but Craig h-he was laughing and telling me about how he got your hoodie from you a-and he's planning to keep it just to burn it and cut it up just because it's yours, when I told him he s-should give it back h-he told me to kill myself" Wendy sobbed out going into my chest as she cried.

that hoodie is my lucky hoodie means so much to me that had so many memories that I had with everybody, in the bathroom felt real but I wasn't sure anymore...

"it's okay Wendy I'm here for you, I swear when I see him I'll make him pay!" Bebe stated bring Wendy into a hug. I felt weird watching the two girls walk away, I needed to find Stan now and get my hoodie back and teach him a lesson about lying to me and making me trust him...


(Stan Pov)


as I got out from behind the school seeing that mostly everyone was gone, I made my way back home putting Craig's hood over my hair noticing I left my hat behind... sighing I turned around making my way back seeing Butters there holding it, "o-oh hey Craig!" he said smiling.

I stayed where I was not wanting him to see me limp, "Stan said could you drop his hat to his house" I said making myself sound like Craig. Butters nodded rushing off waving bye, I groan gripping my side.

as I made my way back home getting in front of my door I put a big smile on keeping the hood up hiding the blood that was leaking from my head, opening the door seeing a note on the table making me sigh closing the door behind.

going out for a week with your father to see your Sister, keep the house clean and there's money in our room if you need any

-Love Mom

sighing I walked upstairs and strolled over to the bathroom putting the hood down seeing my head, it was cut open but lucky it wasn't deep. as I cleaned the cut and washed the blood away I made my way downstairs limping now and then putting Craig's hoodie off seeing I had blood on the hood...

I felt my eyes water not deserving to have his hoodie, "I-I'm sorry" I whisper not knowing who I was saying it to as I cried on the hoodie sniffing it now and then smelling Craig.

I jumped hearing my door knocking making me panic I can't let anybody see me like this, I rushed to the kitchen seeing one of Kenny's jackets that hid his face when we were kids. I grabbed it putting it on happy that Kenny forgot it last time he slept over. walking over to the door sighing hoping it wasn't Kenny I open.

"Sta- um Kenny?" Craig mumble confuse staring at me, "hm?" I question acting like Kenny. "I came over to speak with Stan, do you think Stan left my hoodie here? I want it back" he stated, I felt my heart break of course he wanted it back this soon... 

I nodded groaning a bit from the jacket touching the cut, Craig looked at me confuse a I passed the hoodie to him hoping he wouldn't see the blood... "u-um where's Stan h-he um" Craig stopped talking eyeing the stain on the hood...

I shut the door before he could speak hearing him banding on my door "Stan I know that's you!" he shouted, the hood fell down my face as I sobbed. "l-leave me a-alone!" I shouted wanting to be alone yet in somebody's arms...

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