Chapter 26

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(Wendy Pov)


I watched as Damien and Pip walk past me "Pip I promise those pictures are fake" Damien explained earning Pip to chuckle "Babe I know you wouldn't do that" Pip said pecking Damien's cheek earning him to smile.

I made my way closer to Craig and Stacy and their friends watching everything as Stacy walked over to Craig giving him a hug as she whisper something in his ear, stupid bitch... I pulled out my phone taking a fast picture before anyone saw me making my way into school looking down at the little picture I took...


(Craig Pov)


"I had to turn into the girl... everyone is hating me..." Stan whispered as his voice was about to give up, I nodded letting go giving him a small smile. "I'm so fucking confuse" Token mumble as Tweek nodded beside him, "someone is trying to bring Stan and Craig apart" Kyle said crossing his arms.

"why on earth would anyone want to do that?!" Token said annoyed "w-what if t-they are p-planning their death!" Tweek panicked making Stan's eyes go wide as if he's believing what Tweek just said!

"Tweek clam down that isn't going to happen" I said looking over at the blonde who nodded, "I bet it's fucking Wendy" Kyle whispered earning me and Stacy to nod. "I'm going to kick her ass next time I see her!" I hissed out as Token shook his head, "as much as everyone would like to see that you need proof..." Token said.

I groaned annoyed as Tweek mumbled about class, "fine" I whispered walking into the school beside Stan and Kyle as my friend followed behind.

in lesson I found myself glaring at Wendy who was on their phone for the whole lesson but that didn't piss me off as I kept hearing people mumble about Damien and Stan or Stan and me! and non of it was nice. I was lucky that I had Stan right beside me and he was tearing up!

as the bell rang I stood up fast grabbing hold of Stan and dragging him out before anyone else could, I made my way to the bathroom pushing him in and locking it. "turn into yourself!" I hissed out, I didn't want to see 'Stacy' I wanted to see my Stan!

he nodded and was soon back to normal, I wrapped my arms around him as he burst out crying in my chest. "Stan... I swear to god I'm going to punch the next person who speak about it..." I mumbled kissing the top of his head as his arms got tighter around me.

"this isn't real" he mumbled as he kept hiding his face, "Marsh you better look at me" I said hoping he'll look up at me which he did. I put a finger under his chin bring my lips to his in a loving kiss.

"I love you Stan" I whisper seeing him smile at me "I love you to Craig" he responded, "lets show them that you love me then" I said grinning down at his cute face. Stan soon nodded holding my hand as we unlocked the door and left earning some stares.

"bet he gave him a blowjob" a girl whispered to her friend making me stop as Stan looked down, "if you really want to know what were doing then we were talking since almost everyone in this school believes in a fucking fake picture!" I said giving her a death stare earning her to shut up.

me and Stan kept walking while holding and each time I heard a fucker talking shit about my boyfriend I spoke back.


(Stan Pov)


as Lunch started I felt like the day had gotten better, Craig stayed by my side all morning and spoke back to each student. I lean my head on Craig's shoulder as his friends sat down and Kyle of course, "so are you going to be joining us a lot more?" Craig asked giving Clyde a look that I'm not sure about.

"well yah because Stan's my best friend" Kyle responded sitting next to me as Craig sat on the other side of me. "just making sure" Craig said winking over at Clyde who blushed, my eyes soon went wide understanding what is going on!

I stared at Clyde in shock "wait d-" I got stopped by Craig who kissed me on the lips shutting my mouth up, I'm kinda glad he did since I don't think Clyde wanted Kyle to find out. "Craig t-that's rude!" Tweek said taking a sip of his coffee, "I kinda agree" Kyle said crossing his arms.

"faggots why you not sitting with me and Kenny!" Cartman hissed out walking to our table as he scanned me and Kyle with the 'enemies' "Fatass we're not faggots!" Kyle hissed out flipping Cartman off.

"you all are!" I bet Token and Clyde are fucking Tweek is going to be fucking you soon and Craig and Stan are already but Stan's the worst one out of all of you!" Cartman hissed out making Craig stand up.

"oh you wish you didn't say that" Craig mumble moving closer to Cartman who stood back "h-hey it was a joke!" he said getting scared, all morning Craig been trying to keep clam and not fight anyone but Cartman had pushed it.

I stood up after moving in the middle of the two, "C-Craig please don't" I begged earning Craig to stare at me in shock. "your fucking helping him!?" Craig shouted confuse yet hurt "no! you just don't need to fucking hurt anyone!" I responded.

"punch him like you did with Wendy!" Bebe shouted making me stand there tearing up, "yah! come on he is your fucking boyfriend you should be used to beating your lovers!" a boy shouted making the whole room turn on me...

Craig stood there in shock "Shut up!" he shouted so loud that everyone in the room heard...

the room seemed to get dizzy... I couldn't handle everyone staring at me, stressing me out...

I made my way out of the hall and outside letting fresh air hit me, I ran to the side of the school seeing no one here. I slid down the wall hearing a voice, "you need that wish?" Damien asked as I looked up to see him standing there with Pip.

Damien looked better getting all the blood off his face, "y-yes" I whispered looking up at him. the only though I could think of is... wanting to go back... before I made that stupid wish...

"Damien... I want to go back to the day before I made that wish on the shooting star" I whispered.

Stupid Wish (Staig - Craig x Stan)Where stories live. Discover now