Chapter 21

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(Stan Pov)


It felt like hours when I was taken out of the dinner hall staring at my hands, I didn't know what to think or say. I jumped at the sudden knock seeing the door open to see Wendy's face, my face turned paled watching her every move hoping the teacher could come back soon.

"oh Stan moved on to the demon child?" she chuckled out making me look down, it wasn't like that...

I could hear her sit on a chair knowing she's staring at me, "hey Stan?" she said wanting me to reply when I didn't I jumped watching her throw a book that was beside her to the closer wall near me.

staring at her now a bit scared to look away, "good boy, now I want you to do what as I say or else" she said grinning as I felt myself shake a bit. 

what is she planning or what does she want?

"w-why?" I whisper watching Wendy stand up moving closer to me, "your going to go with everything I say no matter what, if you don't... I'll tell your family that you raped me" she hissed out the last bit making my eyes go wide.

"f-fine!" I responded knowing my family love Wendy... I'm pretty sure they love her more then me...

"good boy" she whisper patting my head and strolled over to the door, "enjoy your day" she giggled out closing the door behind...

I felt tears slowly run down my cheeks "w-why am I doing this to myself?" I whisper confuse bringing my knees closer to my face as I gripped onto my hair pulling it gently while crying.

I felt my phone buzz pulling it out to see Kyle had texted.

Kyle: Meet me outside of school I'm waiting for ya <3

Me: heh thanks Kyle

I stood up wiping my tears away not bothering waiting for the teacher anymore and making my way down the hall but bumped into Butters who stared at me without a word, he's eyes were wide as if he was scared...

"s-sorry!" he said worried running away...

what was that about?

sighing I made it outside feeling eyes on me through out the hallway and even at the playground, "Stan!" Kyle said smiling wrapping an arm around me, it felt nice to have a normal friend still.

before I could open my mouth another voice spoke, "Stan I still own you for the rest of the day" Damien said making me turn to face him to see Pip beside him with his arms crossed.

"Stan what does he mean by own?" Kyle whisper "I'll tell you tonight ok?" I responded hoping he would just drop it... Kyle stared at me for a second before nodding slowly watching me as I strolled over to Damien.

"why do you even need me anymore?" I asked knowing he just wanted me to use on Pip but now Pip cleared it all up what does he want? "well it could be fun to make you do stuff for me" he replied making panic.

what if he wants me to do something bad?

"hey just think of today as if your just hanging out with us" Pip said trying to make me feel better, how  the hell are they dating still?

"I know you should tell Wendy she's a bitch" Damien laughed out making me look down, he isn't wrong...

"Damien don't you even know what's going on between them!" Pip hissed out slapping his arm, I looked at Pip confuse seeing him look away from me, "o-oh Wendy told me what you did" he mumbled out making me sigh.

of fucking course she told almost everyone, I wanted to tell Pip the truth but... if my family found out they'll hate me or kick me out. "y-yah it's true" I lied watching Pip's eyes go wide "r-really? I thought she was lying!" Pip said shocked he's eyes started to wonder away, he's scared of me now...

I yelp in pain seeing Damien gripping on my bad arm glaring at me, "Pip you should go ahead and make sure no one is at the park" he said earning Pip to nod rushing ahead. he soon turned to me annoyed "don't lie to my fucking boyfriend Marsh" he warned.

I didn't dare speak but look away, "why the fuck do you even want to make a lie like that for?" Damien question.

should I tell him?

no I shouldn't.. 

"it's the truth I got drunk" I lied seeing Damien roll his eyes at me "dude I watched what you did last night I saw everything" he responded making me shut up, "whatever" I whisper before Damien could speak another word to me we made it to the park walking over to Pip who were waving us over.

"ok first thing I want you to do is... flirt with that girl" Damien said pointing over to Heidi who were with Nichole, "dude" Pip said unhappy, without caring anymore I walked over to them hearing what their talking about.

"she's a fucking bitch now" Heidi said unhappy she soon spotted me tapping Nichole's shoulder. sighing I gave a fake smile "hey ladies I was hoping I could get your numbers since I lost mine" I said wanting to die.

this is fake, this is like truth or dare...

what is wrong with me? their going to laugh at me and make fun of me...

I could hear giggling until I felt a hand on my back "Stan that's so cute!" Nichole said smiling, "yah what a sudden change" Heidi giggled out.

w-wait they don't hate me?

"sure Stan since I know the real you" Nichole whisper writing her number down, I soon see Heidi doing the same making me chuckle.

maybe there's still hope?

"t-thanks" I said feeling my voice break at the start earning the girls to give worries stares but I didn't stay long walking back to Damien who was clapping with a Pip who seemed to be more happy.


(Pip Pov)


"You shouldn't do this to him" I said unhappy even if Stan hurt Wendy he didn't deserve this. I could hear my boyfriend chuckle beside me "Honey, I'm helping Stan for what he did. I feel bad that he passed out" Damien said winking at me.

I didn't understand looking over at Stan to see the girls giggling and Stan was soon chuckling as well, "don't forget I see everything" he added kissing my cheek making me blush. we soon see Stan walking over as Damien started clapping making me smile.

isn't my boyfriend the best when he's not jealous? 

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