Chapter 19

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(Craig Pov)


"fucking hell I got blocked!" I hissed out earning Token and Clyde to look over at me, "what you mean? did Stan block you?" Clyde asked making me sigh "kinda, but I don't think it was him" I responded showing them my phone.

"so your really going for him?" Token question, I knew Token was getting sicked of my crush for Stan but this time I'm sure of hell that he likes me now.

"yah he's the one for me" I responded staring dead in Token's eyes, after a minute Token gave me a smile. "well I'll do my best to help you dude" he said making Clyde yell with joy "my ship is going to sail!!" he shouted jumping up and down.

I leaned over to Token "we're going to tease him about his crush right?" I whisper hearing a chuckle from Token making me grin. we soon hear knocking at the door making us all turn, "G-Guys your all g-going to be late!" Tweek shouted making us turn to the clock "fuck I can't be late again!" Clyde said rushing to the door.


(Kenny Pov)


"where the fuck is everyone today?" Cartman groaned board "how should I know?" I responded spotting Butters talking with the girls, that's weird. I soon spotted the green hat that was Kyle's "hey!" I said waving him over "so how's Stan?" I asked earning Kyle to sigh "he's fine now I'm going to be checking on him later" Kyle stated.

"hey guys" Wendy's voice said turning around I stared at her face stunned at what I saw she had a bruised eye making me rush to her side "what happen?" I question seeing Wendy look away, "o-oh this?" she whisper pointing to the bruise.

"who did that?" Cartman said shocked but he didn't sound like he cared very much, "I d-don't think I can say" she whispered "Wendy you got to tell us who did this to you" Kyle said worried. Wendy stared down at her feet and mumbled something but we couldn't hear what she said, "could you speak up?" Cartman said annoyed.

"it was S-Stan" Wendy whisper before I could speak Kyle beat me to it, "that can't be true!" Kyle said sounding angry "it's t-true!" Wendy said tearing up. "B-Babe even saw it!" she sobbed out "Kyle... maybe Stan did... he did go to that party last night" I whisper unsure to what to do.

"I don't believe that you think Stan would do that!" Kyle hissed out earning Cartman to burst out laughing "Jew we know that you love Stan and would never believe that your dream boy would do this shit but it's about time to have a wake up call" Cartman said earning Kyle to flip him off.

"fucking Fatass" Kyle mumbled out walking away, I looked over at Wendy putting my hand on her shoulder "I don't think Stan is going to be in today but you want to tell me everything that happen?" I asked seeing Wendy nod slowly.


(Kyle Pov)


it can't be true, Stan was crying his eyes out and... wait Craig is my only proof but... I don't want him to be near Stan but I can't let Wendy make lies up... if they are lies... 

ugh I hate fighting myself like this!

I soon spotted Tweek with his friends seeing Craig in the middle, I got to get somewhat proof. I strolled over to them stopping in front of them with my arms crossed, "oh he-" "I'm not here to talk, Craig you know what happen last night right?" I said cutting Clyde off.

Craig stared at me confuse "well not all of it" Craig mumble making me glare "you were with Stan right?" I said getting annoyed just wanting to punch him already, "k-kinda" Craig responded shaking his shoulders.

"Kyle what's going on?" Clyde asked making me turn to him "it's Wendy and Stan" I responded seeing Craig's face turn to anger "what about Wendy?" he question "like you care, just stay away from Stan and I'll deal with this" I replied walking away.

fucking Craig, lucky I didn't punch him...


(Stan Pov)


I stared at my phone seeing all the texts from unknown numbers spamming me... I couldn't even find Craig's number anymore...

Unknown: Craig will never love a ugly guy like you!

Unknown: fucking faggot!

Unknown: No one cares about you!!!

Unknown: You should just kill yourself 

I kept crying knowing why Kyle left but did he really have to go to school and leave me?

maybe the texts are right no one really do care about me?

each time I blocked the number a new number starts spamming me, I hate this... I really hate this...

Kenny: dude... what is wrong with you? I just heard what you did and it's disgusting! 

one of my own friends? really? I felt my fingers shaking typing back.

Stan: I don't understand what did I do?

Kenny: You punched Wendy last night while you were drunk!

my eyes widen did I?

no it can't be true I only had one drink and that was from Kenny but... I can't tell him that!

why is Wendy doing this to me!?

I jumped hearing knocking making me slowly walk to the door opening to meet red eyes and black hair, "Damien?" I whisper wiping my tears away, "Stan we got to talk" he said walking in and closing the door behind.

we made it to the sofa sitting there without a word, "you made a deal with my father" Damien stated making me stare at him confuse. "I bet you don't even understand what I mean" Damien added sighing, "your lucky I made my father let me deal with you" he said.

"w-what do you mean?" I whisper seeing Damien shake his head "what I mean is the deal you made is you can change into a girl or a boy whenever you want but we kinda own you now but I made sure I own you instead of my father" Damien explained annoyed.

"I'm so confuse" I whisper earning Damien to stand up "lets make this easy for both of us, you have to do what I say for this whole day ok?" he said pulling out his phone.

great today is going to suck...

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