Chapter 7

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(Stan Pov)


entering the school building with Token I could spot Cartman with Butters "I don't care!" he shouted annoyed, Butters rubbed his knuckles together "o-oh ok w-well see you later then" he mumble out walking away with shame.

I felt so bad for him I just want to punch Cartman in his stupid face sometimes, "I'm heading to class it's up to you what you want to do" Token told me. I waved bye walking over to my locker seeing Kyle waiting beside it since he had the locker next to me, "explain" he said rising an eyebrow at me.

I sigh "I had to do something" I lied seeing Kyle shake his head "dude your a girl what kind of plans would you have to do" he asked as I open my locker, I took out my drawing book looking over at Kyle who was looking around the hall "hurry up and close it before someone think your robbing yourself" Kyle stated making me chuckle.

"hey I might be a girl but I still like my drawing" I responded closing it before anyone saw, Kyle nodded "well let's get to class before we get told off" he replied. we both strolled down the hall to our classroom walking in to see mostly everyone was in there already sitting, I could spot Clyde talking to Token and Tweek whispering to Craig as he listen.

"come on there's a free chair next to me today" Kyle said pulling my hand, it felt nice to be treated normal by Kyle now. I sat down next to him hearing a cough making me turn my head to the side to see Craig staring, he pointed at the chair next to him confuse.

shit he wanted me to sit next to him, "you ok?" Kyle whisper making me nod "y-yah" I mutter out. looking around the room I pulled out my drawing book hoping nobody would notice that it was Stan's, going on a clean page I started doodling a flower after a while a hand stopped me as it landed on the page.

I slowly looked up seeing Wendy "Stacy right?" she said not moving her hand, I felt myself wanting to throw up this was too much. "Wendy what are you doing?" Kyle asked noticing how close Wendy was to me, "why do you have my boyfriends drawing book?" she question angry.

"s-shit" I cursed under my breath I sigh "he said I can b-borrow it" I whisper I jumped as she punched my desk making a loud noise "you stole it, you slut!" she hissed out. my eyes widen shocked everyone in the room was staring at us by now, "n-no really it's mine" I responded a bit scared "no it's not it's Stan's!" she hissed out.

she grabbed the book pulling it away from me ripping my flower I was working on out, I hated it when other people touch my art... "s-stop!" I said trying to control my tears, Kyle stood up "Wendy give it to me" he stated reaching for it Wendy laughed "you just want to impress my boyfriend you fag!" she hissed out.

Kyle stopped in his tracks I could hear people mumble around us "so the new girl is a slut?" Babe asked shocked "always knew the Jew was a faggot" Cartman laughed out. "your so lucky that my boyfriend Stan isn't here" Wendy spat out holding my drawing book in her hands.

I had to do something and since I'm not Stan at the moment I wouldn't have any regrets. I stood up walking past Kyle seeing that he was looking at the ground so I couldn't see his face, I stood in front of Wendy seeing her smirking.

"I'm part of Stan's family and he was letting me borrow his book until he comes back, now give me the fucking book you stupid bitch" I said hissing the last bit hearing chuckling around us, Wendy glared at me handing me the book over "don't think you won this slag, I'm not the one hanging out with all the boys since the first day" Wendy hissed out.

I hugged my book that stupid Bitch it felt so good to say those words to her, I turned to Kyle seeing him giving me a small smile "nice work" he said the door open making us turn to see Mr Garrison.

though out the whole lesson I kept getting notes passed to me opening each seeing it was always Wendy saying something mean, as Mr Garrison talked I groaned feeling another tap seeing Red passing me another note.

opening it with shock seeing it was from Craig,

hey I like your style of fighting back, did it feel good to win the battle between Wendy?


I looked over at him seeing him staring at me I nodded at him seeing him smile giving me thumbs up, I blushed at the action I wonder if I did the same thing as myself he would give me the same reaction?

I shake my head hearing the bell watching everyone stand up walking out the classroom, "St-um I mean Stacy come on" Kyle said tapping my shoulder. I nodded getting up but stopped seeing Token walking over to me and Kyle "hey where you going, I thought you would like to hang out with us again?" Token asked.

Kyle looked over at me "don't you want to look up something with me you know?" Kyle asked giving me the hint about finding out how to turn back to normal, I sigh "sorry Token maybe next time?" I asked seeing Token sigh "sure I'll just take care of the kids again" Token joked making me laugh.

Kyle dragged me out "um Stan?" he whisper "yah?" I responded hearing how confuse he was, "I thought you hated Craig and his group but I just notice since you turned into a girl u-um you kinda um hang out with them a lot" he stated as we reached one of the old classrooms knowing there's still a computer there.

I guess I have to tell him, Sighing I took a deep breath in "I like Craig!" I hissed out really fast as Kyle stood there shocked as if he was being aimed at by a gun, "really?" he question he sounded sad but didn't show any signs of sadness.

I slowly nodded "I've had a crush on him for a long time" I admitted watching Kyle's face expression change "b-but Wendy?" he asked I felt like I broke him... "its a long story I'll explain when I'm back to normal" I muttered out, I don't think I could tell Kyle about what Wendy is doing or what she'll do...

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