Chapter 29

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(Craig Pov)


I kept crying waiting for everyone to come hearing Clyde rushing over to me "what happen!?" he asked worried as Kyle came running in to. "h-he started shaking his heart was messing up" I said trying not to cry anymore.

"o-oh g-god!" Tweek yelped out rushing in with Token "we got the text!" Token panted out, I watched as Clyde explained everything to Token as Kyle kept Tweek clam... I didn't have anyone but my own hopes...

I wasn't sure how long we waited... watched all the nurses and doctors rushing out of the room but one doctor soon  walked over to all of us, "Stan Marsh is awake." he stated making me smile before I could speak he open his mouth again giving me a sad smile.

"but he very weak... we did some tests and found out he has cancer" the doctor finished off making my eyes go wide, "how long has he had that!" Kyle shouted losing his shit as Clyde tried to hold him back.

"B-Babe don't!" Clyde begged as Kyle calmed down, without thinking I rushed into the room seeing those amazing blue eyes of his... he stared at me for a moment before tearing up, "C-Craig is that really y-you?" Stan whisper.

I rushed to his side giving him the most loving hug and kiss ever!

"oh god I fucking missed you!" I shouted hearing Stan chuckle, "I t-thought I lost you... I thought I made a stupid wish again" Stan whisper hiding his face in my chest.

I heard the door open again shutting after but I didn't care I have my Stan back, he's strong he can fight cancer! he will live!

"I love you Craig" Stan sobbed out making me tear up "I love you to Stan!" I said giving him a tighter hug, "I'm never letting you go" I whisper. we stayed like that most of the day as Kyle gave everyone hugs when it was Kyle's turn Stan seemed to be scared or worried when he hugged him.

"w-what's wrong?" Kyle whisper upset, Stan stared at him for a moment before smiling "I'm so fucking glad we're best friends!" he said as Clyde chuckle wrapping his arms around Kyle's shoulder making Stan grin.

"so you two are a thing?" Stan asked making everyone in the room look over at the two, "yah when did this happen?" Token said smirking as Kyle and Clyde blushed. "t-today" Clyde whisper hiding his face behind Kyle.

after hours everyone slowly left but me as Stan slowly got relaxed, "h-hey Craig?" Stan whisper trying not to fall asleep. "yah Babe?" I responded smiling "what is wrong w-with me? the doctors didn't tell me when they left" Stan asked making me tear up.

they didn't fucking tell Stan!?

I stared at Stan getting into the bed next to him, "Babe everything is fine, nothing is wrong with you" I whisper in his ear earning him to smile as he slowly went asleep.

I didn't like lying to him but... I don't think I can tell him the truth and to let him know he might die...

I let some tears out cuddling into Stan falling asleep...


a year Later


I knocked on the door hearing Stan in the room coughing a bit before speaking "C-Come in!" he said making me walk in seeing Stan on the bed he looked skinny and his black hair was falling out, yet he was more paler than he used to be...

I hold in my tears walking closer to my Stan, "hey Babe how you doing?" I asked watching Stan smile "I'm still here s-so I'm good" he whisper leaning his head on my shoulder as I sat beside him.

"well I'm about to make you feel better" I responded grinning as I brought out a black box staring into Stan's blue eyes that I could get lost in, "Stan Marsh, I've been with you for a whole year and I knew I wanted to waste my life with you. I can't get you out of my head and each time you smile I can't help but smile back. Will you marry me?" I asked showing the diamond ring as Stan teared up.

"Yes! Yes!" Stan yelped out pushing his lips onto mine as we kissed I slowly made it turn into a make out, I love this boy so much...

"I'm sooo happy" I stated slipping the ring on him...


two weeks Later


"I still love you..." I whisper leaning my head on the gravestone... "I promise to keep living for both of us Love..." I added leaving my roses on the flour for him, I sat down on the grass "I'm g-glad you didn't have to live knowing t-this was going to happen" I said tearing up.

I looked down at my ring knowing where the other one is... "together forever" I mumble hearing Kyle and Clyde behind me "I bet he's happy where he is" Clyde whisper, "I know he's waiting for all of us up there" Kyle said wiping his tear away.

I nodded standing up "lets get going, I'm sure Stan wouldn't want us to be here while we could be having fun while thinking about him!" I said putting a fake smile as Clyde gave me a weak smile.

we all started walking away but before I did I gave a small turn staring back seeing Stan's ghost...

he was back to normal and had a big smile while holding his hand that had the ring... "I'll be waiting Craig, please take care of our friends and yourself... I love you!" he shouted but I think I was the only person who heard since Kyle and Clyde didn't stop...

I nodded "love you to Love..." I whisper walking with the two as Stan faded away...

my love will never die for him... I'll see him again and I'm sure he'll be there for me...

Sorry for the sad ending! If you guys really want a happy ending do say and I might make another ending but for now this is the real ending (at the moment!) I Know how much everyone want to see Stan and Craig be happy so I will be very happy to make an happy ending for them as well!

Again sorry!! I just don't want to be one of those people who will always give every fanfic a happy ending!

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