Chapter 20

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(Stan Pov)


we both slowly walked over to the school well... being dragged by Damien, "I don't want to go" I muttered out. I don't think I can handle facing everyone... Kenny... Wendy... everyone but mostly Craig...

"I don't care I'm dealing with my own problems and I need to use you" he responded, well that hurt... he's only using me?

"a-and maybe if you help I'll help you with your problem" Damien added not looking over at me, sighing maybe he isn't so bad?

as we got to the doors I notice that everyone would be in lessons now making me clam down for a bit "w-we don't need to go in for lessons right?" I whisper hoping he'll just wait for lunch. "yah School isn't going to even help me for the future" he replied making me chuckle.

"if um I do what you want you'll help me?" I whisper repeating what he said hoping he wasn't lying, "yah I'll give you a wish" Damien said giving me a small smile but it was soon gone as we heard the bell.

"just follow my lead" Damien said pulling me to the dinner hall waiting by the wall as students started rushing in hungry for food, I soon spot Cartman and Kenny with Wendy making me look down to my shoes.

I was glad Damien let me grab my black hoodie so I could cover my arms, "there he is" Damien hissed out grabbing my hand. my face soon redder spotting some of the girls glaring over at me.

Shit I'm holding his hand!

"oh Stan your so funny" Damien said laughing making me stare at him confuse seeing his eyes giving me the death stare, oh he wants me to play along...

"o-oh I'm not really" I whisper looking down, "Damien?" Pip question confuse "oh hey Pip how you doing?" Damien said a bit harsh. Pip stared at me before turning his eyes back on Damien "is this over last night?" Pip whisper looking around seeing there were students watching.

I soon felt Damien pull me closer to him, "fucking gay" "what a fucking bitch dating him instead of Wendy" "can't believe he's gay" I kept hearing them whispering about me, "Damien you know it was one of my friends from Britain that I was in a call with" Pip said annoyed.

I felt like gripping my hair as I spotted Kyle entering the room, he told me to stay home... "Stan?" a voice I knew too well said making my heart stop.

looking up slowly I was face with Craig who was standing in fount of me, I can't move but shake. the room seem to get smaller and I was finding it harder to breathe, why?

 why is this happening?

"Stan?!" a voice shouted before everything went dark.


(Craig Pov)


I stared at Stan as Damien spoke with a annoyed Pip, Stan's eyes slowly water making me panic "d-dude you ok?" I whisper feeling eyes on us but I didn't care. Stan's face slowly looked pale as his eyes slowly closed making my eyes go wide seeing him fall to the ground but before he could hit the flour I grabbed him.

he was lighter then I thought he would his breathing was everywhere "Stan?!" Kyle shouted rushing over to us, "what did you do Tucker!" Kyle hissed out snapping his head to me.

"I didn't do shit!" I hissed back seeing Token and Clyde rushing over while Tweek ran for a teacher, "ok everyone stand back!" Token said making sure his voice was heard. "I didn't thought about this" Damien whisper hearing a small slap turning my head to see Pip had slapped Damien's cheek.

"this is what you get for being jealous over nothing, you better fix this" Pip stated crossing his arms. I looked down at Stan seeing him sweating and was still finding it hard to breathe, "Stan it's ok just clam down" I whisper hoping he can still hear me.

I felt Kyle's eyes on me as if he wanted to say something but didn't, not really caring about him I kept my eyes on Stan, I slowly moved his hair out of his face noticing he didn't bring his hat.

I stared at the spot I stitched seeing it slowly healing, "he fucking deserve to be left alone" Babe's voice hissed out making me snap my head to face the bitch.

"didn't you hear he hurt Wendy" Babe said crossing her arms as I glared at her before I could speak Kyle stood up "This isn't the fucking time for bitching over this bullshit while Stan is passed out!" Kyle shouted sounding pissed.

Babe stared at him before walking away mumbling stuff under her breath, I jumped feeling Stan move in my arms groaning in pain. "you might want to move your head..." Damien warned, listening to him I moved my head watching Stan sit up gasping for air.

"it's ok just breathe" I whisper as Stan slowly started sobbing in my arms, we soon hear one of the teachers rushing over to us "Tweek told us Stan is dying!" he said going on his knees to get to Stan's level.

"Stan I want you to look at me" the teacher said but Stan just kept his face on my chest letting his tears out, "Craig thank you for taking care of Stan I'll take him off you now" he said slowly helping Stan up as he almost fell over.


(Kyle Pov)


I stared at Craig as he kept his on Stan and the teacher until they were out of the door, he soon looked over at me sighing "Kyle I don't want anything between us to be bad" he said looking around to see there were still students looking over.

"I just don't want Stan hurt" I responded walking away from Craig and to Kenny and Cartman who were with Wendy still.

fucking bitch...

Stupid Wish (Staig - Craig x Stan)Where stories live. Discover now