Chapter 24

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(Craig Pov)


"you should take him home" Token chuckled out as he turned the movie off, "but their so cute likes this! don't move Craig!" Clyde hissed out pulling out his phone taking pictures of us. sighing I flipped him off and looked down at Stan to see him cuddling into my side, so cute...

"yah I'll take him home" I mumble slowly moving making Stan groan in his sleep making me smile, "C-Clyde S-Stop being creepy and t-taking pictures!" Tweek said crossing his arms.

I gently picked up Stan walking down the stairs having Token open the door for me, "see you tomorrow?" Token asked giving me a friendly smile. "like always" I responded making my way to the path way with a sleeping Stan.

strolling over to Stan's house stopping at the door I sigh smiling down at his adorable face, "hey Stan you have a key so I can bring you inside?" I whisper hearing a small yah as a reply as he pulled out his house keys.

"thank babe" I whispered hearing him chuckle at the name, I unlocked the door opening it and closing it behind me while making my way upstairs to Stan's bedroom.

where are Stan's parents?

as I laid Stan down putting the covers over him I couldn't help but feel a tug as I was about to leave, "C-Craig stay" Stan whisper making me smile. I gently laid beside him under the cover wrapping one of my arms around his waist, he's so warm and seemed so perfect beside me.


(Stan Pov)


I slowly open my eyes finding myself in bed facing my wall, I could feel something behind me but didn't dare look around since it could just be something I passed out with.

how did I get home? wasn't I at Token's?

those thoughts were soon stopped feeling an arm wrap around me, I felt my body heat up turning around to see Craig's laying beside me while sleeping. I was sure that my body was frozen and all the blood from my body went to my face.

I kept staring trying to work out how we got into my bed or into my house, I felt my face blush darker checking my body seeing I wasn't naked.

Thank god...

"Stan?" Craig mumbled opening his blue eyes to stare into mine, "y-yah?" I responded feeling my voice shaky earning Craig to smirk. "disappointed that I'm dressed?" he whisper in a husky voice.

This is a fucking dream right??

my thoughts soon ended feeling Craig's lips on mine making me kiss back putting my hands on his chest pushing him to the bed while I climbed on top of him, "thinking you can be top out of us?" Craig teased after we parted.

I yelp feeling Craig flip us over as he held my arms up above my head with one hand while rubbing my side with his other hand, "I think this is a better spot for you" he mumble biting my ear making my face burn.

he slowly got lower to my neck giving it love bites making me bite my bottom lip, "C-Craig?.." I mumbled out finding it hard to talk. "yah babe?" Craig responded smirking at my voice, "w-what are y-yo-" I was soon cut off by a moan of my own.

"just what I wanted" Craig whisper biting harder on that spot "C-Craig!" I moaned out, as I kept moaning I soon felt Craig pull away smirking down at me letting go of my arms. "your pretty hot when you moan" he teased leaning down to peck me on the lips as he got off me.

I sat there for a moment unsure at what just happen hearing Craig's voice "Marsh your going to be late for school if you stay in bed" Craig said from the hallway, still with the last names even while dating?

I smiled at that since I find it cute.

I got dressed and walked down stairs seeing Craig already at the door, "come on already sleepy head" he said grinning as if he did something. I didn't bother asking but followed him out of the house and through out the walk to school.

"where's your family?" Craig question looking over at me as I gave him a smile "they went away to see my sister" I responded, this felt like a new life like everything was perfect.

as we got to school I ran over to Kyle seeing him waving at me "hey Stan!" he said but his smile soon gone and was shown a grin yet his eyes started watering up, "what happen to your neck?" Kyle asked getting closer.

I looked at him confuse until I remember what Craig did this morning, that fucker...

I felt my whole face burn staring at Kyle who was staring at me "had fun I see?" he mumbled crossing his arms "can we not talk about this!" I hissed out blushing.

Kyle nodded as we both walked over to Craig's group "a-are you sure a-about this!?" Tweek hissed out but stopped talking as he stared at me, "I'm sure" Craig mumbled wrapping an arm around him.

I felt unwanted stares at the playground as Craig spoke to his friends without noticing, "u-um dude?" Kyle whisper to me as he noticed everyone giving ugly stares and whispering to each other.

are they talking about the other day?

"fucking slut..." Bebe faked coughed while passing us, my eyes widen knowing their talking about me, "C-Craig I'm going to the bathroom" I lied rushing off without Kyle as well, while in the hallway I felt myself hearing everyone around me as if they got louder.

"he can't even keep himself with one person"

"I think he's better with Wendy then Damien or Craig..."

"people like that should die."

I felt tears running down my cheeks as I got to the bathroom, why is this happening?

is it because of the other day? 

or was this all Wendy?...

I soon burst out crying sliding down the wall pulling my knees close to me as I cried, I was happy... what happen? 

Stupid Wish (Staig - Craig x Stan)Where stories live. Discover now