Chapter 12

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(Craig Pov)


I peeked over at Stan's face seeing that he was asleep, his face looked so relaxed and his lips looked so soft and kissable. I felt myself blush hearing the bell go for next lesson I couldn't believe we stayed here for half an hour in each others arm.

I didn't want to go to class while I could just stay here forever with the most perfect boy on my lap but I couldn't just let Stan miss another lesson, he's been missing a couple already.

I gently shake Stan's shoulder hearing him groan sleepily as his eyes slowly open as he face me, his cheeks darker as our eyes met. "I-I'm sorry" Stan mumble getting up leaving my space that left cold without him.

sighing I stood up as well "don't be, even if we have this thing going on between us I would feel terrible knowing your getting hurt by somebody else" I said trying to be nice not giving anything away about my feelings for  him.

Stan stared at me before nodding giving me a small smile, I looked at his arms seeing he didn't have his jacket to hide them. I took off my blue hoodie passing it to him as he backed up giving me a confuse face.

"what you doing?" he question, I flipped him off in a second "it's to hide your arm stupid" I responded acting like my normal self again. Stan shook his head "what if people ask about it?" Stan said panicking, "who would care?" I asked waiting for him to take it.


(Stan Pov)


who would care? fucking Wendy would care about me wearing Craig Tucker's hoodie!

I yelp as the hoodie was thrown on my face hearing Craig chuckle, "just wear it or you would have to explain about your arms to everyone. I'm sure nobody would care about my hoodie just make a lie up if anybody ask" Craig stated walking out of the bathroom.

sighing I followed putting the hoodie on making me shiver, it's so warm and bright I could even smell Craig in this...

I sound like a stalker now.

as we got to class my eyes landed on Wendy who stared at me beside Craig who was speaking to the teacher, "ok boys sit down already and do not even start a fight in this lesson" Mr Garrison said making me walk over to Kyle who gave me a wink seeing the hoodie.

"I see you have his hoodie" Kyle whisper eyeing me, I felt myself blush looking away. I'm so fucking dead after class, through out the whole lesson I kept feeling my chair being kicked seeing Cartman trying to get my attention which worked.

as I turned to him glaring he pointed at the hoodie "is that Craig's hoodie? are you fucking him?" he hissed out looking disgusted. my face went bright red shaking my head "fuck no!" I hissed back seeing Cartman grin as I felt a shadow behind me.

turning around to face the front looking up at Mr Garrison looking angry "Stan is there something you would say?" he question, "n-no Sir sorry" I mumble looking down at my work.

fucking Cartman trying to get me in trouble, I'm already in trouble. maybe if I run out fast I could miss her?

I jumped up hearing the bell go signing it was time to run it, I stood up but got grabbed from behind seeing Wendy already there as if she waited for this time to happen. "cupcake come on there's something I want to show you!" she giggled out pulling me away from Kyle, I felt myself panic knowing I fucked up.

fucking Craig letting me borrow his hoodie and now I'm about to die, I yelp feeling somebody else grab my other hand stopping Wendy. "sorry but I have to talk to Stan" Kyle mumble out trying to be nice, Wendy turned around glaring at Kyle "sorry but he's my fucking boyfriend go back fucking Stacy like the rest of the guys" she spat out dragging me away earning me to groan in pain as she was holding the spot where the scars were.

"h-hey you can't do that!" Kyle said following, "tell him to leave us alone" Wendy hissed out keeping her voice low. I slowly turned my head as Wendy stopped crossing her arms, I could see Craig and his friends slowly making their way to us.

"it's fine I bet Wendy is just showing me something cute or cool that she found" I lied knowing very well that I'm not going to see anything cool or cute but feel pain. Kyle stared at me but slowly nodded "ok if you say so" he mumble walking away, I wanted him to pull me to him away from her but he didn't...

I felt her grip her nails in my arm dragging me away from all the students and Craig and his friends...

as we got outside she pulled me to the side where the goths would be but it was the end of the day so they would normally of left, I felt myself get pushed to the ground being kicked right in the head making everything go dizzy.

"explain why you have fucking Craig's hoodie on!" she yelled kicking me harder while gripping my hair as my hat fell off, "I-I Stole it!" I sobbed out protecting my face. "lair you walked in together looking fine! and we all know that you don't have the guts to face him and steal something!" she hissed out shoving my face to the ground and back up from it, I was sure I was bleeding from the side of my head making me cry harder.

"when would you learn that your mine, I'm the owner of you so stop talking, looking and wearing his stuff!" she said kicking me with each word. I slowly breathe in air finding it hard since she's been kicking my chest and side, "Stan I'm only doing this for you because Craig told his friends that he hates you like really hate" she whisper sitting on the flour next to me rubbing my back as I shivered in pain.

"the only reason I heard it because I was eavesdropping and he said so many other words" she whisper her voice turned into the caring kind, "he called you a faggot because of your style and worthless because you can't do anything right and emo since you think too much" she whisper continuing to say more of the hurtful things to me...

I sobbed on the flour grabbing my side in pain "he even said he wished you would just kill yourself" she stated getting up and walking away "I even agree with him since everything he said was true and your just a worthless faggot that will be unloved by everyone around you even Kyle hates you, he didn't even try to help you each time your hurt or being dragged away by me" she said walking away...

I stayed on the flour sobbing, Craig really hates me, he made me think he really cared and I trusted him...

I tried getting up but dropped yelping in pain, she might of broken a rib...

I reached for my phone but stopped, I can't let Kyle see me like this and even if he did he wouldn't care...I'll be another problem for him to deal with, sighing I pushed myself up gasping in pain holding my side.

If I just died everything would be better, everybody would be happy... nobody would care... the pain would stop.

Stupid Wish (Staig - Craig x Stan)Where stories live. Discover now