Chapter 25

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(Clyde Pov)


after Stan ran away into the school I looked over at Kyle knowing something isn't right, "hey can we talk?" I asked hearing Token chuckle at me making me blush. I gave a glare at Token before leading Kyle away from my friends.

"what's up?" Kyle question making me smile "is Stan ok? you seem to notice something was wrong" I asked seeing Kyle shake his shoulders, "I'm not sure what is wrong but Stan doesn't look happy and I'm pretty sure I heard Bebe say something but I'm not sure what she said" Kyle replied looking worried.

"how about we go look for him?" I said wanting to make Kyle feel better, he soon nodded giving me a small smile as we made our way to the school.

"have you seen the picture yet?" a boy from our class said showing his phone to his friend, "fuck... that's fucking gay!" his friend laughed out making me confuse. I put a fake smile on walking over to them, "hey there what you laughing about?" I asked grinning seeing both of the boys laughing while looking at me.

"this picture" the first boy said showing me his phone that shown Stan kissing Damien while shirtless, it seemed like they were in the gym where the pool is. I couldn't believe my eyes was this real?!

"a random number been sending pictures all over the school it's fucking gay!" they both laughed out making me make a fist, I need to clam down before I make a scene.

I soon felt my phone go off seeing a random number had sent me a picture, I slowly unlocked it to see Damien kissing Stan's neck who had tears looking away. those pictures can't be real! "cool you got a new picture let us see!" one of the guy said trying to take my phone.

"hey hands off!" I hissed out putting my phone away and started walking off spotting Kyle looking down at his phone, "t-this isn't real" he mumbled he sounded pissed...

"Kyle?" I said unsure if it's safe to talk to him, "those pictures are fake!" he said angry turning to me, "shit... we need to find Stan" I mumble trusting that Kyle is smart and knows he's best friend unlike anyone else.

 we both walked down the hall way stopping at the bathroom "check?" I asked earning Kyle to glare at me "oh no shit dude" he said opening the door hearing sobbing, shit that must be Stan!

"Stan!" Kyle said worried rushing in and wrapped his arms around the sad boy, Stan kept crying and I soon spot his phone on the flour that seemed to be thrown by Stan. I slowly picked it up hearing Stan mumble, "it i-isn't real!" he sobbed out.

I turned the phone on seeing a picture of Stan being held by Damien who is kissing his forehead, "whoever did this is pretty good at making fake pictures" I mumbled out annoyed.

"Stan it's ok we know it isn't real" Kyle whisper in his caring voice, I soon felt my phone buzz as if someone is ringing me. I picked up hearing Token panting "Dude get outside now! Craig is fucking fighting Damien!" Token yelled before he hung up I could hear Damien shouting "Dude I didn't touch him!"

I stared at my phone in shocked before dashing out "Craig I'm coming!" I shouted hearing Kyle say shit behind as I ran. as I got outside I could see a group of students watching the fight and right in the middle is Craig punching the living shit out of Damien who's taking the beating, "Stop!" Pip cried out rushing into the fight getting slapped by a pissed off Craig.

"s-shit!" I muttered out dashing to them hearing Damien growl, "y-you can beat the living shit out of me but no one... NO ONE FUCKING TOUCHES MY PIP!" Damien shouted his eyes turned red pushing Craig to the flour beating his face in.

I ran in as Pip did again who pulled Damien off Craig while I got in the middle, "Guys! stop!" I shouted tearing up seeing Craig with a black eye and a cut lip while Damien is covered in blood form his nose and lip and forehead, shit...

"you fucking lied!" Craig yelled earning Damien to shout back "I told you the truth me and Stan haven't done shit!" he responded flipping Craig off who flipped him back.

"guys it's fake!" I shouted as loud as I can hearing students around us laugh, "if it's fake where's Stan" a girl asked laughing. "I bet he's fucking someone right now!" a boy shouted making Craig growl.

I soon spot Kyle and Stacy walk out of the school, why the fuck did Kyle leave Stan!?

they both walked over to us as Craig stared at Stacy with hate, "you better tell me the truth right now is it true!" he hissed out rushing to her holding Stacy's shoulder who started shaking "d-dude!" I shouted rushing to them pulling Craig off her.

"i-it isn't true" Stacy said her eyes were red and puffy as if she as been crying as well Craig seemed to clam down hugging Stacy "I'm so sorry I lost it..." he mumble, he pulled away staring at Stacy earning people to scream kiss making me shake my head "no they will not!" I said upset that they want my ship to sink!

it's meant to be Stan and Craig not Stacy and Craig!

Craig smirked and winked before turning to Damien who had Pip checking his nose "shit... I'm so sorry dude!" Craig said seeing his mistake but before he could say anything Damien glared "don't fucking talk to me Tucker I fucking wish I did get Stan to do something now just to piss you off" he hissed out walking away with Pip who kept whispering in his ear.

Craig looked down hearing the students around us sigh and started getting to their lessons, "t-that was too much pressure" Tweek mumble who was hiding behind Token who looked so stressed, no wonder he called me since he had to take care of Tweek from freaking out  badly...

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