Chapter 27
Two of my family members went on missions trips this week. My niece went to Zambia, Africa. My sister went to the Czech Republic. It may seem very exciting to travel around the world to see new places and things. However, this is not a vacation. This is not a pleasure trip. This is Kingdom work. These places are known for their instability. It could be dangerous. There is always a risk. We need to be in prayer for our missionaries, whether short or long term. They are giving of themselves to show Christ's love to a hurting world. They are giving up the comforts of home (that we take for granted) to serve the Lord. They need our prayers. Pray for their safety and protection. Pray that the people will be open and receptive to the gospel. Pray that the workers will grow spiritually from their experiences. Our missionaries need our support. It doesn't always require money. Never underestimate the power of prayer! Start Today!
Chapter 27.5
What an awesome day! I got together with a few teen girls from church. We were working on some songs. We had a blast! If you're gonna make mistakes, make 'em big! Better now than later. We laughed at ourselves and each other. We also made-up "hip-hop" names for them. I love teenagers. They are not afraid to laugh and just be stupid. Stupid as in funny, corny, slapsticky. Adults are too serious sometimes that they can't enjoy the simple pleasures. A lot of adults forget how to play. Everyone needs playtime. Even ME! So Ladies, invite your sisters in the Lord over for a pajama party. Young and old. Paint your toenails, Sing into your hairbrush, and have an incredible pillow fight! Relax and Enjoy the fellowship!