Chapter 9

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Yes it's me

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I know it might not mean something to some but to me😩 it means so much.

Jazakallahu khairan❤❤


"So you're getting married and you didn't bother to inform your akhi." Uthman says as he barge into my office.

Words travel so fast."Where did you hear that from?"

He shot me a glare. "Since you didn't bother to, people that care did. So who is the girl that made YOU change your mind?" He took a sit and propped one of his leg on my desk. This guy. He knows that annoys me, yet he does it all the time.

"That's none of your business." I said not bothering to look away from the laptop.

"I can ask Kausar or even Amal." I looked up to see him smirking. Those girls don't know when to shut their mouths.

"It's Jawahir." I sighed.

"Jawahir?" He exclaimed in surprise. "What? The one we went to her sisters' wedding? Akram's sister, Kausar's friend? THAT Jawahir?"

"Yes Uthman that Jawahir." I said rubbing my temples.

"But how and when? Don't tell me you're in love with her bro."

It's anything but that actually. "No, I am not." Definitely not. "I'm doing this for my Ammiey and maybe Aunt Khadijah but mostly Ammiey."

"But why? I mean Aayan you've been against the idea of marriage since........that incident."

I sighed. "It's been 5 years, and Ammiey has been pestering me ever since, I think I've prolonged it enough. It's about time I give her what she wants, and that's to get married."

"You do know now that you're about to get married the next she'll want is grandkid right." He raised a brow.

I know, and that's where we're gonna have a problem.

But why? Aayan you know it won't be fair on the girl. If you weren't ready why did I you agree?

Like I said, I'm doing it for Ammiey and I'm saving her from that drunkard of a cousin of hers. And surely they won't expect that too early since we know nothing about each other.

"Aayan!?" Uthman cut me off my trance. "What are you thinking about?"

I shook my head. "Okay I'll go back to my office now." He informed me, standing up.

"Bye bro." I said to him before he sauntered out.


Around 5:50pm I arrived home. I walked to my wing and met Maheera in my parlor.

"Mahee? What are you doing here?" I asked.

She looked up at me when she heard my voice. "Yawwa I've been waiting for you."

"Why, what is it?" I dropped my bag and loosen my tie. But not all the way. I still have troubles knotting a tie, mostly Ammiey does it for me. Yeah I'm a mommas boy. I took a seat.

"Aayan what are you doing?" This is the hundredth time I've heard this question. It's starting to annoy me wallah.

Why is everyone asking that? They've been pestering me to get married and now that I agreed they are all asking why.

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