Chapter 30

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The responses I got on the last chapter was so heart touching, it got to me to the point that it got overwhelming😭😭
As I said I never knew I could pull it off like that.
Jazakallahu khairan✨💫🌹
You guys have no idea how much it means to me, wallah.

I wouldn't be here without you guys.
I say thank you from the bottom of my heart, to each and every one of you.
Maymunatu says THANK YOU.

This chapter is for you guys, ALL OF YOU.
I would have mentioned names but I don't want to miss out on someone to make that person feel less important.
I love you all fi sabillilah.
So if you have ever commented or voted, then.
This chapter is for you🤗🤗

And I hope you continue to support me as I do what I love☺️❤️💕

Jazakallahu khairan once again❣️💕❣️


When I finally told Aayan what I've been through it felt like some invisible burden has been lifted off my chest, and it feels good. My mind and heart are clear, I feel like I can finally breathe.

I was so scared of his reaction, what he might think of me. I learned long time ago to stop being paralyzed by what others think of you. It's your life and it doesn't matter what other people think on how you live and the decisions you make. Live your life your way. But Aayan has become such an important part of my life that his opinion matters, the most.

That's why I can't begin to explain the immense relief I felt when he reacted the way he did. If not then.... I-I'm just glad that he accepts me the way I am, scars, demons, flaws and everything.

His words hit home, hard. I can't remember the last time words touched me like this, he knew exactly what to say, how to say, and when to say them. He was so supportive and welcoming that when I started talking, I couldn't stop, even when I wanted to. I wasn't this willing with my therapist, he literally forced me to say everything, even when I was shaking, yelling, hyperventilating, he still forced me. But with Aayan, I willingly ranted everything off, he has this soothing and welcoming aura that makes you tell him your darkest, deepest secret.

But I couldn't bring myself to tell him exactly what I see in the nightmares, It's horrific. The only person I ever told was Mammie. I regret the way I told her though, we were arguing about my therapy and in the heat of the moment I blurted everything out harshly and I kinda threw accusations and blames on her. Her face lost all it's colors and she staggered backwards almost hitting floor. She locked herself up for almost a week, it was hard to persuade her to open up, Abu tried everything he could but she didn't budge, Mama and my siblings too. I finally got the guts and courage to go to her, immediately she heard my voice she pulled the door open, wrapping herself around me like a vice as she agonizingly sobbed hard. I feel bad anytime I remember, I never meant to hurt her.

And now I'm gonna tell you. Sometimes I'm taken advantage of, sometimes I never get to escape and I'm sold off to some old men, who do some ungodly things to me, sometimes I'm the one that gets shot, sometimes that old lady locks me up and torture me.....till I die. And the most horrifying one is when Huraira walks up to me, with blood dripping from her body and accuses me of being a murderer, for leaving her behind, for being a coward, for being weak. Sometimes she kills me then kill herself, and other times just me.

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