Bonus chapter

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I want to use this mean to properly thank you for voting 😌🎉 thank you so much❤️

As a form of gratitude, here's a bonus chapter❤️💕
Thank you for all the love and support you've shown, still showing, to this book🥺❤️
Jazakumullahu khayran, Love you all Xo

As a form of gratitude, here's a bonus chapter❤️💕Thank you for all the love and support you've shown, still showing, to this book🥺❤️Jazakumullahu khayran, Love you all Xo

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The traffic wasn't moving at all, subuhanallahi! Aayan bit back a groan as he relentlessly honked. What is wrong with people? Why is the car in front of him not moving? Is he blind can't he see the light has turned green.

"And it has turned to red." He mumbled, letting out a hiss. He glanced at his wrist watch, 5:07, he has forty three minutes to get home. Home....he smiled. Home where his beautiful family awaits him.

His beautiful children and his darling wife. Everyday he thanks the Almighty for blessing him, he has nothing to say except Alhamdulillah. He has everything he needs in this world, everything. All he prays for now is a better akhirah.

Over the past few years so much had happened, some were good, some were devastating but Alhamdulillah they've passed each and every trial and came out stronger.

Aayan got home thirty minutes late, he parked the car and killed the ignition. Stretching his arms, he got the bouquet of chocolates in the back seat, his wife's absolute favorite.

He smiled recalling the time Ammiey and Baba called him to their living room and dropped the bomb on him. His life has not been the same ever since. One of the best decisions he has ever made. Like every marriage, theirs wasn't a smooth ride, there were bumps along the way but with love and trust they overcame everything. Life isn't a bed of roses, they still get misunderstandings, who doesn't? They have a policy, never go to bed angry. And this has helped them more times than he could count.

He pushed the door open, and in a flash little bodies clutched to him as usual.

"I'm the first!" One of the twins yelled, it was Inayah.

"It's a lie! I got here first!" Inarah yelled back, crossing her arms.

Aayan couldn't help but smile, this is practically a routine. His gaze dropped on Manal, who's standing by the side, shaking her head at her younger siblings. At the age of ten, she's matured and calm. She looked exactly like him, something likes to he tease Jawahir about.

Manal felt her father's gaze on her and a smile immediately blossom on her face. "Abbie, welcome back."

"Where's your Ummie?"

"In the kitchen," she answered, and like she does every time he comes back home, she collected his briefcase and the bouquet to take it inside.

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