Chapter 46

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Ehem ehem medical terms and treatments might be wrong. Your girl is no doctor and you cannot completely trust google🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️correct me if I'm wrong please, thank you😌❤️


Everything that happens to us is a blessing whether we are aware of it or not.

That's what kept me going. I was filled with so many if only(s) but I remembered a Hadith of the prophet peace be upon him; If anything befalls you, do not say (If only I had done such and such), then such would have happened, rather say 'qaddara Allahu wa ma sha'a fa'al (Allah has decreed and what He wills He does), for 'If only' opens the door to the work of Shaytan." (Sahih Muslim).

After the doctor informed us about the loss of our child, he also explained Jawahir's injuries. She obtained two fractured ribs and three cracked ones, a broken leg and a concussion because her head hit the steering wheel. The doctor said she's lucky to survive the crash considering how the car was badly damaged, you wouldn't think a soul could survive.


Mammie is doing okay after she collapsed, she's in one of the rooms. I am still yet to digest all that has happened, I nearly lost my wife and I lost a child, a child we didn't even know about.

Did she know she was pregnant?

No! I mentally shook my head. If she did, she would have said something.

Jawahir has been moved to a room in the female ward, visitors aren't allowed yet. The doctor is running a test to ensure she's save and healthy.

By now the news has spread like a wild fire, my wife was in an accident and she lost a child. I had to switch off my phones, I know they are well wishers but I don't think I can handle them right now.

"Aayan?" A hand was placed on my shoulder. I turned around to see my mother, she's wearing a lilac colored floor length hijab that fits her face perfectly, she looks gloomy. "Yes Ammiey?"

"You should go home, eat and change." I opened my mouth to protest but she didn't let me. "The doctor said she's under sedatives so she won't be waking up anytime soon."

I didn't argue, I nodded and left not before checking on my mother in law. Alhamdulillah she's fine, just a bruise on her back because of the fall.

The city is very busy, it's so full. I almost forgot people are still celebrating Eid, we are suppose to be amongst them. I drove to my parents' house, I'm not ready to go back there yet.

Maheera opened the door for me. "Oh Akhi," she wrapped her arms around my neck. "I'm sorry, may Allah make it easy for you."

"Ameen," I replied. I ambulated to my room, I was hit with a wave of nostalgia, all the moments we spent here. I took a quick shower and had some of the leftovers, I had to have a piece of what she made so I took a piece of cake with me.

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