Chapter 36

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I'm so sorry you guys, I travelled and was a bit busy with stuffs that's why I couldn't sit down and write. But here it is! It's mushy, it's twisty and everything in between, it's all jam packed in there!

I hope you enjoy it💃🏻❤️😁😁

Ignore the typos please


"Thank you Mr Okoye," I firmly shook my clients hand whilst nodding my head.

"Thank you Mr Aayan, I hope I won't be disappointed."

"In sha Allah, that will not happen." He patted my shoulder one last time before he and his secretary left my office.

I released a breath I never knew I was holding, he is one tough old man. It was very hard to convince him, the negotiation has been going on for almost a month now. We had to keep adjourning the meeting for him to discuss it with his board members again and again.

He wants to expand his business in the northern region of the country. So we are to build a new headquarter here in Abuja. This is the biggest deal I've gotten since our return from Uk, it is very important. I want to make my parents proud, Jawahir also.

Let just pray things go as planned.

A knock came from the door. I yelled a 'come in' as I went through some of the files on my table. My new personal assistant walked in.

"Sir, Mr Uthman wants to see you. Should I let him in?"

"Of course, of course." I waved my hand dismissively. Bashar walked out to inform Uthman.

Yes my new assistant is a man, I just couldn't deal with ladies and the headaches they come with anymore. I didn't fire Abida like Jawahir requested, now she works at HR department not as an assistant though. Bashar came for the interview I arranged, I was impressed with his CV and behaviors so he was hired. He hasn't proved me otherwise yet and I pray it keeps going this way, he is very diligent and hardworking.

Uthman barged in like he owns the place, as usual he took a seat on the chair in front my desk and placed his feet on top of the desk. "So how did it go? Did he finally agree?" He picked a pen and kept tossing it upward.

I ignored his childish behaviors, as always. He does it to irk me. "Yes, we finally came to an agreement. It wasn't easy." I shook my head.

"He was one tough cookie. Alhamdulillah he agreed, I pray everything goes according to plan."


"Uhh..." Uthman cleared his throat. "Aayan," I hummed, my attention focused on the file in front of me.

"Aayan?!" He called out again, this time a bit louder.

"Yes Uthman, what is it?" I questioned distractedly. This contract need a few changes, I'll do that first thing tomorrow morning.

"Aayan look at me, will you?!" Uthman snapped in frustration.

"Since when did I start hearing with my eyes? Last time I checked you listen with your ears, so talk, I am listening."

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