Chapter 17

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"This is it for the day." The chef said as the students stood up, packing their belongings and exiting the class.

"Jawahir see you tomorrow." Fauziya and Samira, the new friends I made here a week ago said to me as they stood up.

"Bye. See you too In sha Allah." Come to think of it, I don't have any friends except the girls. So I'm glad I met them. They are pretty cool and laid back.

I sighed softly before walking out. I saw my chauffeur already waiting for me. Aayan assigned him to drive me to and from school, even though I told him I would myself, but he refused to listen. Some people here think I'm a spoilt brat who gets everything she wants. I once heard a lady saying that and I'm pretty sure she's not the only person. Smh! People just can't mind their business these days.

I joined Red dishes chronicles a week ago. Aayan did keep his word and we went to get the form together and also did all the registration procedures together. And over the week he has been trying as much as he can for us to have at least a comfortable relationship. We have breakfast, sometimes lunch and dinner together. And I so much appreciate his efforts. It's good to know that I'm not the only one trying.

"To the AA's please." I said to Audu deciding to visit my in laws since I haven't in a while.

"Yes Ma'am." I rested my head before closing my eyes.

The early sun is shining as bright as ever, making me shield my eyes with my palm when I alighted the car. I met Ammiey in the backyard trimming her flowers.

"Assalamu alaikum Ammiey."

"Jaw habibty." She said wiping her hands with a towel before pulling me for a hug.

"How are you?" She asked after we took our seats in the patio. She motioned for the maid that was with her to bring some refreshments.

"I am fine Alhamdulillah." I smiled at my mother in law.

"Aayan told me you started school last week."

I nodded my head. "Yes." I took the view in, the grasses are ever green even though we are in the dry season.

"Which course are you taking?" She asked.

"Professional chefs diploma. It's the combination of all courses. For 3 months."

"Masha Allah. Have some samosa." She gestured to the tray that was just dropped.

I moaned after taking a bite. This is amazing. "From that sound, I'll take it as you liked it." Ammiey chuckled.

"Naam. Who made it?"

"I did."

"You?" I asked surprised. I didn't know she... I now remember Kausar saying something about her loving cooking the first time I came here.

"You have to teach me." I said practically jumping on my seat. "It tastes great."

"I will dear. You know when I was young, making snacks and pastries was my passion. It still is."

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