Chapter 34

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You guys are amazing 😩😭✨
You know that right?
Lots of love 💕✨
Allah bar mun ku🤗🤗

A sweet darling called me the other day, just to tell me how much she loves my book😭😭❤️♥️ she made my day wallahi.

You guys are turning me into a sappy person wallah😕😆😅
I am not this emotional 🙅🏻‍♀️🙅🏻‍♀️ I swear😂😂


I've never liked confrontation, I hated them or maybe I'm a scaredy-cat, but I've never liked them, ever. So it's an understatement to say I'm surprised when I find myself in the said situation, me initiating it.

I fiercely glared at Binta, scowling as my gazed roamed round my kitchen, that's heck of a mess right now. She dared step into my kitchen? Can you believe that?

There's a limit to what one can tolerate. I don't mind the taunts and snide remarks they've been throwing my way, I've had people picking on me for a long time now, it's sad to say I'm practically immune to them. I also didn't mind when they turned me into a maid, they are my guests after all and the prophet peace be upon him said. 'Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day, let him honor his guest with full hospitality.'

But I will not tolerate them trying to take over my house, Aunt Hassatu is practically throwing her daughter at my husband, mine.

I might be a scaredy-cat, but I will not seat down and watch them take away what's rightfully mine. It started with the not so modest dressing, I kept quiet, who am I to judge? Then it proceeded to fake phone calls, which I think were meant to make Aayan jealous. Aayan, God bless him, couldn't be more careless and indifferent. She went as far as bringing men, claiming that they were her friends. Aayan finally flipped, oh Allah I've never seen him furious like that, ever. He had this murderous look, that will make you wet your pants, remind to never anger him. His words were 'kin manta akwai matan aure a gidan nan.' He then threw the men out and had an argument with Aunt, all while Binta was hysterical.

This didn't stop her though, Aunt also didn't stop her, she was encouraging her even. But enough is enough. Which brings us back to the situation at hand.

"What do you think you're doing?" I hissed at Binta. She's standing in front of the counter whisking what I suspect to be cheese.

Binta rolled her eyes. "What does it look like am doing? I'm cooking duh." She added egg, some of the shell falling in, sugar, salt and black pepper. What the hell is she trying to make?

I shook my head. "Why?"

"I'm cooking for my...." she stopped to ponder on what she's going to say. "...Aayan. I'm cooking for Aayan."

I clenched my jaw. "Why?" I hissed through clenched teeth.

"Jawahir." She jeered. "We are all aware that Aayan hasn't been eating your food for a while now."

I stopped cold, not retorting because what she's saying is true.

Binta scoffed, my expression must have given away what I was thinking. "Isn't it obvious? Aayan doesn't want you," she taunted. "He isn't even eating your food, what does that have to say about your relationship huh?"

No! Aayan loves my food, he said it himself, times without number.

Don't let her get to you Jawahir, she's just feeding your insecurities.

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