Chapter 57

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*quietly walks in*
Hey guys🙈🙈 I know! I know! Forgive me please. I had the worst case of writer's block🙁 and then there's school, so everything got choked up.

But finally here it is!

*drums roll*🥁🥁

Last chapter then an epilogue😩 gimme a minute🤧 I'm so not ready😭

It's loooonnnngggg, seat tight and grab a drink🥂
Trust me, the longest chapter I've ever written!

AsmauIsaAli you😩😩😭😭 I don't know what I would have done with you😩❤️ Love you loads✨🔐 (your head shouldn't increase in size🙄)

Credit goes to this beauty for saving my soul and helping me write this chapter. Y'all should thank her, really. For without her I don't know when I would have updated, maybe in the next two months 😂😂

Seriously though Ma'u, thank you😌💕 without you there wouldn't have been this chapter. So this chapter is yours❤️

Then I'd like to dedicate this whole chapter to TheOmoope Vi😁🤗😭 where do I start from? THANK YOU, FOR EVERYTHING. Really, I'm so grateful for having you in my life😩💕

Consider this as a late, very, very, very, late birthday present😂😂 or maybe take it as me showing how much I appreciate you❤️💕
Your Mona loves you✨❤️


The morning light streamed into through the little space in the drapes, the light shining brightly on my face. I blinked to adjust before my eyes fluttered open slowly. I stretched but the muscles around me restricted me from moving much.

A smile adorned my lips as I look at my Habibi lovingly. He looks so peaceful whilst sleeping, like an innocent little boy. I used my index finger to trace his features, his chiseled jaw, his crooked nose, his cheekbones, his eyes and lashes that are too long to belong to a man, and his lips that me go gaga with what they say and do.

I was so caught up in what I was doing, I didn't notice that Aayan has opened his eyes. It was when I raised my hand to sift it through his soft curls did I finally noticed his unwavering gaze on me.

"Good morning," he said smirking, thinking that I'll get shy and all red. I did the exact opposite. I smirked back and leaned in to kiss him so deeply that he let out a growl, his hands exploring my curves.

Aayan was so lost and was trying to take things far so I pushed myself away and quickly hopped off the bed and ran to the bathroom telling him to stand up and get ready. I heard him yelling you will pay for this to which I just giggled like a school girl.

I took my time to soak my body in the hut tub, after spending about thirty minutes soaking up, I ambulated to the shower stall to rinse my body then I used a big fluffy customized rope to wrap myself, it has Mr AA written in cursive on the back and top right side of the front, courtesy of Aayan. And finally I wrapped my wet hair with a big towel.

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