Chapter 16

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"Yes Hayla. You have no idea, my thoughts exactly."

I heard shuffling in the background. "You guys had so much fun. I miss home wallah." She whined.

Ya Nana spent her two weeks holding here claiming that this is her dream home. It was like a sleepover, Hairan too joined us but her possessive husband did not let her spend the nights. He drops her as early as possible and picks her up late at night.

The kids where either with Mammie or Mama. My friends too joined us, they were able to take a weekend off their schedules to spend it here. I feel like i haven't seen them in forever, they've been very busy with tests, projects and all that. Those are the reasons why I don't miss school. But I do miss seeing them, and to be frank I feel left out. I mean they get to see each other at least twice a week catching up, whereas the phone calls between us are very low. The group chat we usually have is meh, they are never online together. Sigh I really do miss them.

That was two weeks ago. Two weeks since Ya Nana left. Four weeks since Aayan travelled. The only thing I got from husband dearest is an email, an email I didn't know people still used. I haven't used mine in a long, long time. All it said was:

Assalamu alaikum.

How are you? I am in London for some work. If you need anything let me know.

Aayan Abbas Abdullah.

That was two weeks after he left, like seriously. I think I've figured he isn't in the country by that time. I replied nonetheless, since he was decent enough to send an email tho it's 14 days late. And after that I didn't hear anything from him again.

"We miss you too, so much. Where's Suhayl?"

"He has been busy too. I haven't heard from him in a week but we'll be meeting this weekend."

I like the fact that they always make time for each other, no matter how busy they are they'll spend the weekend together.

"Okay. My regards, I couldn't get a hold on him."

"In sha Allah. Bye Jaw I gotta go to the library."

"Bye Hayla."

I'm sitting down cross leg on my bed munching on a chocolate chip cookie dough rereading 'she is my hayat' on wattpad. This book is everything, oh my Allah!!!!!!!! It's my absolute favorite!!! It's just so so so.......

Ugh I didn't get water. Now I have to go all the way to the kitchen. The house is eerily quiet, the maids are done for the day. It's around 8 pm. I perched myself on the counter after getting an OJ from the fridge. I heard the sound of keys juggling and the door being opened. Okaay, I'm the only in the house, who could it be? I picked the first thing I saw, which happens to be fork. Real smooth Jawahir! Hey I can use it to claw his eyes out.

I walked towards the entrance as quite as I can feeling like a ninja. The lights were suddenly turned on and I raised my fork.

"Whoa!" A manly voice said.

"Aayan? What are you doing here?" I echoed in confusion. Shouldn't he be in London?

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