Chapter 52

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Ignore the typos🙃


I looked at myself in the mirror, what I saw made me smile. In place of the sorrow and anguish that hunted me is peace, joy, security and so much more, much more. Aayan's tender, raw and intense love has assuage the pain I feel, one step at a time.

My body is regaining the fat and glow it lost in the past few months, my body is as healthy as ever. Which is most definitely thanks to all the kayan gyaran jiki (skin care products) my mother ordered for me all the way from Sudan. She guided me on how to use them, I have to say some where very uncomfortable but totally worth it. Even I feel the change in my body.

I've grown chubbier, my body is well defined and my skin is soft, smooth and silky, likewise my hair or so Aayan says.

A pair of arms wrapped theirselves around my middle, our gaze met on the mirror we're standing in front of, a full length mirror in our closet. Aayan placed his chin on my left shoulder, then nuzzled his nose in my neck. "You look exquisite." He mumbled against my skin.

I sank further into his embrace. "Thank you," I smiled and looked at us in the mirror. "I wish I can seize this moment." I said. We looked like a piece of art. I dressed in a burgundy dress with colored hijab and my hubby is wearing a gray kaftan sewn to perfection, the front of the dress designed with handmade embroidery. A black zanna bukar cap is perched perfectly on his black shiny hair, his wrist adorned with a Rolex wristwatch.

I need this moment to be captured.

"I do too." Aayan responded. I raised my head up to look at him. "Can we snap before we go please."

He kissed my forehead. "As you wish Amira."

He left to get the camera, I also exited the closet. I met him downstairs where he has already set up the camera. Aayan looked up as I was climbing down the stairs, his gaze following my every move until I stood in front of him.

He guided us and we stood in front of the camera. We posed. The first one we were standing side by side. Then he pushed me forward, my back to his front, just like how we were standing minutes ago in the closet. We snapped a few more.

Aayan then insisted on snapping me alone, he even got a stool and made me sit down. He snapped, snapped and snapped.

"Lemme see, lemme see." I squealed excitedly. I stood beside him, I stood on my tiptoe to see. The shots came out beautifully.

I love the last one more, Aayan said something funny and as I was laughing, he clicked.

"Looks like I have a new wallpaper." Aayan murmured looking at me. He swooped in and placed a kiss on my cheek. "Let's go."

Today is the opening of Jawahir's Golden Kitchen. I'm so excited and anxious. Our family and friends are already there, we're the only ones missing. It feels surreal, I can't believe my dream is about to come true. This is something I've been wanting for myself since I was a small child. And it's about to be my reality. I still have all the kitchen sets Abu used to buy for me so many years ago stored somewhere safe, I promised to show my child, children.

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