Chapter 45

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In our house we celebrate Eid for three days, so after today sallah ta kare. I decided to gift you guys 3 chapters as my barka da sallah😌

Moving on, I'm sorry to inform y'all that my first semester examinations are starting immediately I resume school which is 10th of this month. That means no update after this till further notice😣 I hope you guys understand🙏🏼 I need to focus, you know how important it is. I might squeeze but no promises so please please please do not pressurize me, thank you🤗😌❤️

I apologize in advance for the short chapter🌚


It's only by the mercy of Allah SWT that I arrived at the hospital in one piece. Even I don't know how it happened.

All I kept hearing was 'Jawahir was in an accident, with an eighteen wheeler. She's at the hospital now...'

I rushed to the accident and emergency ward. The whole family is already there except the young ones and Maheera, Kulthum is here instead.

Suhayl is consoling a hysterical Suhayla, Yusuf is doing the same with his wife likewise my father and father in law. Kulthum is pacing up and down the corridor and Akram is staring into space, he's looking at nothing in particular.

"Aayan?" Kulthum echoed and everyone's attention shifted to me.

I dragged my heavy legs to the bench, I didn't get there I collapsed to the floor. I didn't have control of the tears anymore, they kept gushing. Kulthum wrapped her arms around me, rubbing my back soothingly. I clung to her like a baby and cried like a baby, not caring that people are watching me.

"She can't go Kulthum, she can't. I cannot lose her too. Wallahi I'll die, I haven't even shown her how much I love her, how much she means to me. I haven't apologized, I haven't explained. I tried sooo hard to keep her save, I hurt her just to keep her safe but in the end....."

"Shh Aayan, she's going to be okay in sha Allah. Put your trust in Allah."

I pulled away to look at my elder sister. "You know I won't be able to survive, not again. Is it a crime to love me?" Kulthum shook her head, she's also crying. "Then why does it keep happening, what wrong did I do?"

"Don't speak like that Aayan. Allahu a'alam; only Allah knows. You should never question why things are happening to you, Allah did not make this happen because he doesn't love you."

I kept quiet, different thoughts ran through my mind at the same time and they're all ugly ones.

We sat there gloomy for about three hours. It's 1 AM already, Uthman came. Since he's the only person that could drive he took the fathers home with the twins, Hairan, Ammiey and Mama too but Mammie refused to leave.

I, Kulthum, Akram, Yusuf and Mammie are the only ones remaining.

What's taking them so long! A nurse just came out once and that too she refused to speak.

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