Chapter 24

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"Bring out 2 cups of vanilla frosting." I told Nai'a and Amal. I placed my ingredients which consists of: strawberry coconut ice cream, fresh strawberries, international delight creamer, fruity miniature marshmallows and finally vanilla frosting.

We are going to make unicorn milkshakes. I placed the ingredients on the counter and grabbed a large bowl to mix the ingredients together.

"Here it is." They both placed a cup of the frosting each on the counter with the rest of the ingredients. "What's else do we need to do ukht?"

"La shayy;nothing. Go join Affan and I'll bring it to you when it's ready." They bobbed their heads and walked out to go meet Affan who's outside playing ball.

Laura left three days ago, I really miss her. And I know I'll miss her even more when the kids leave, she's the only one that usually keeps me company.

Can we, we keep, keep each other company
Maybe we, can be, be each other's company
Oh company

Justin Bieber's company echoed in my head. I moved my body to the rhythm.

Turn it up, it's your favorite song
Dance, dance, dance to the distortion
Turn it up, keep it on repeat
Stumbling around like a wasted zombie
Yeah, we think we're free
Drink, this one is on me
We're all chained to the rhythm
To the rhythm
To the rhythm

This time Katy Perry's 'chained to the rhythm' echoed in my head. I kept swaying my body whilst mixing the ingredients. After I was through, I went to get the tumblers so that I'll transfer it. I opened the lower cupboard and the tumblers weren't there. Laura must have changed their position. I sighed and looked around wondering how I'll get them from the upper cupboard. I glanced around the kitchen and an idea came to my mind.

I decided to climb the counter top to get the glasses. I hoisted myself up and stood straight on the counter. Opening the cupboard, I reached for them. But the length of my hand wouldn't reach. Sometimes it's a curse and a blessing to be small. I kept leaning towards it, standing on my tip toes. The reasonable part of me is saying that this is a bad idea and I will fall down. I paid no heed to it and kept leaning.

"Careful." A voice yelled in concern? I haven't realized that my feet have reached the end of the counter, I lost my balance. A loud shriek escaped my lips, I clenched my eyes shut, ready to meet the solid ground. But it never came.

Instead I fell into muscular arms, I instinctively wrapped my arms around the person's neck for support. I propped one lid open to see Aayan's angry face. Why?

"What were you thinking? Hal anta majnun?" I shot him an offended look. How can he ask me if I'm crazy. "You could have injured yourself badly." He continued to scold me as if I'm a kid. I mentally rolled my eyes.

"But I'm not injured, I'm I?" I asked cheekily. And why is he angry? Excuse me, but I was the one about to fall down.

"Don't play smart with me young lady." Young lady? Really? What is he? A dad? I scoffed. Before I could tell him to put me down the kids ran into the kitchen.

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