Chapter 25

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Longest chapter I've written in a while 🌚🌝


Now whoever it is creating a stampede on my bed should knock it off before I do so myself. But no, the feet kept jumping, a pair beside my head and the other at the foot of the bed. I groaned out loud and yanked the comforter off me, sitting up.

I glared at them. "What do you want?" I said groggily, the sleep evident in my voice.

"Ya Jawjaw ki tashi; wake up." Amal said from the foot of the bed. Seriously, what do they want this early morning?

"You guys should go back to sleep and lemme be abeg." I lied back down and covered myself.

"No." Nai'a yelled, yanking the comforter. "It's 12 already."

"So?" I hissed in annoyance.

"Zawjatu akhi min fadhlik. Akhi and Affan have gone to the masjid and they said they are not coming back soon." Amal whined a little.

"Yes." Nai'a added. "Ya Aayan even said they are having a boys' day out, so let have ours too. Please get up."

God why? With no other choice I stood up. They pushed me to the bathroom to take a shower. I sleepily did my morning routine then performed wudhu since it's almost time for zuhr.

I came out and the girls have already made the bed. I noticed a maroon, white and blue blouse and skirt atampa on my bed with a note that read 'we picked out your outfit, please wear it :)' Smiling to myself I moisturized my skin then changed into the cloth they selected for me.

I grabbed a full length hijab to pray

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I grabbed a full length hijab to pray. After I salamed I remained seated for dhikr. "Ameen." I said rubbing my palms on my face. I stood up and folded the prayer mat and hijab.

Today is Christmas not that I celebrate it but it is my sisters' first anniversary. I plopped down on the ottoman in front of my bed to video chat them. I rang all of them at the same time, luckily they picked at the same time too.

"Happy one year anniversary." I screamed immediately their faces came into view.

Ya Fifi laughed. "Thanks Mrs AA."

"Thanks sissy." Ya Farha said also.

We had a good thirty minutes conversation, although Ya Fifi and I did most of the talking. Ya Farha was awfully quiet, more than usual and I noticed she looked tired and pale. I pray she's okay.

With that done, I ambulated out of the room. Nai'a and Amal just coming out from their room also. "Have you guys prayed?"

They nodded affirmative. We walked to the living room downstairs. "Okay what do you guys wanna do?"

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