1. Accidents Do Happen.

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The pain was rushing through my head, I don't know how I ended up down here. One minute I'm driving home, the next I'm in a ditch with the car flipped completely over.

My head was aching. It was as if someone was constantly banging on my head with a hammer. My arms were very tender, and pain was shooting up my left leg. Maybe I shouldn't of been driving in the rain. It wasn't very wise, since I ended up in a ditch.

I was drenched, dirty, and I was hurting. Nothing can get much worse than that.

I look down at my body to see that my arm that had been bugging me, was covered in bruises. Not to mention the blood that was splattered all over it. I raised my other arm to rub my head. Well, that's where the blood came from.

My forehead had a very, very deep gash going down the side. It was bleeding all over the place and it wasn't feeling all to great. That probably why my head is aching so bad.

I don't remember why I was driving home in the rain, that's the only thing I can actually remember at this moment. I was going home.

I felt really tired, I could go to sleep right here in the mud, but I didn't think that it would be very wise.

Maybe if I phone for help, but do I even own a phone? Only God knows the answer to that one.

I scratch the side of my leg, it has been itching for a while. As I scratched, I felt a big feeling of pain. I gasped. It was unbearable, and I know that I now have to deal with it.

I pull my hand away from my leg, only to see a deep red, thick liquid on my fingers. I'm bleeding there too!

I could only hear the sound on my heartbeat, it was as if it was the only sound in the world. I couldn't hear he rain, or my moans, or other cars that wee probably passing. Nothing.

I squinted my eyes. I was just rolling around helplessly, praying that someone would notice a BIG RED CAR FLIPPED OVER!!! Like, why wouldn't that stop? Do they not care that I could be dying? Are they just that cruel? What ever the reason, I don't like it.

That's when I heard the faint sound of Sirens. It was overpowering the sound of my heartbeat. I now have some hope.

Maybe I can be helped, healed, saved. I just don't want to be a lifeless body on the side of the road. I don't want to die like this. I have more meaning than to die in the side of the road. I can do more, I can.....live.

That's when I felt a pair of hands on my neck, to see if I was alive or not. Checking my pulse. I opened my eyes slowly to see a man in a blue, police uniform. "She's alive, but needs medical attention. Get her to the hospital, NOW!" He yelled out to the other men that were coming towards me.

The brought down a stretcher, I suppose that's what they're going to put me on to save me. Three other men picked my up slowly, and carefully. The placed me gently on the stretcher and brought me to the ambulance, that was only a couple feet away.

"Get her back quickly, she needs help!" Said a voice in the back. My eyes were too lazy to even look around. I could feel my eye lids getting heavier, and heavier. They eventually felt like sandbags, or weights. I wasn't strong enough to keep them open. That's when the world around me turned black.


I slowly opened my eyes to a bright light. My squinted my eyes, just so I could see where I was. It appeared to be a hospital. I looked down at myself and no longer saw the wet, muddy clothes I was once wearing. I was had on a hospital gown, or what ever you ca it.

I didn't see any doctors, or any nurses. Nobody was there to tell me I couldn't sit up, so I sat up. As soon as I straightened my back, I felt dizzy. As if blood was rushing to my head. "Uhhhh.." I moaned as I brought my hand up to the side of my head, but my fingers didn't touch my head.

I trailed my fingers along the carefully applied bandage. It wasn't loose, but it wasn't too tight either. That's when j heard footsteps on he other side of the door. "She's right in here" Said the voice. "Ok, thank you" said another.

Then, just at that, the white door at the head of the room swung open. A man in a long white coat, looked more like a scientist than doctor. "Miss....Cara Smith. How are you feeling today?" He asked, holding a long, brown clipboard. Cara?  Who is Cara? I'm not quite sure.

He cocked an eyebrow.

"Are you going to speak to me?" he asked, looking directly at me. I shrugged my shoulders. "Sure." I told him. "She can speak, I'm all done now." He said to the nurse standing in the door way. Then whipped around and left. The nurse standing in the door turned to me and said, " follow me, you must go see the counsellor." I shook my head and stood.

I followed the nurse down a long series of hallways, doors, and several rooms. How big is this hospital anyway? She gestured me to go sit down in a small, wooden chair. I did. "She'll be here in a minute." Said the nurse, then she disappeared.

I sat there waiting. I stared down at my hands, and noticed diamond ring on my ring finger. It looked expensive and really special, but I didn't spend to much time admiring it. That's when she finally did come. "Hi, my name is Gloria Stinifield, but you can just call me Gloria." She said, putting her hand out. I knew she was waiting for mine in return. I reached my had out, gave a gentle shake, and returned my hand to it's former position. "So, how's your head?" she asked. I had completely forgot about that. I reached my hand up so I could feel the bandage. I flinched. "Still painful?" she asked again. I nodded. Of course it still hurt. "How long have I been here?" I asked, I need to know. She looked down at her watch. "Uhhh, about six hours. You were exhausted when you got here, when was the last time you slept?" She asked.

I really had to think about that one. I put a hand on my chin and said "You know, I'm not quite sure. I know that I was asleep here in the hospital, if that counts." She looked at me surprized then looked down at here clipboard. "Your 29, right?" Gloria asked, as if she already knew the answer.

"That's what the doctor said." I told her.

"So, how was your life before the big accident?"

I hesitated. "I don't remember."

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