11. Lost and found

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His arm brushed against mine as he walked away. He was long gone. I need to fix this. I need to bring him back. I don't want to be brother-less. Even though I have been for nine years.

I turned around and watched his tone form walk away from me. He has changed, but he hasn't forgot out argument. Even though I wish that he would. "Chase!" I called out to him.

He whipped around and he had a serious face on him. "What part of 'save it' don't  you understand?"

I stared at him in shock. I wasn't expected this of him. I know he's s little mad. No wait, he really mad. He's angry. He's blistering with fury, and don't know how to cool him down. I don't know how to make him forgive me. God, I'm a terrible person.

He was breathing heavily, and it was if steam were coming out of his ears. He shook his head, his FAMOUS head shake. I'm starting to hate that. I walked towards him. "Chase...I..." I placed my hand on his arm but he batted my touch away.

"Walk away Cara, before I say something I might regret." He warned. I just stood there, and stared at him. I miss him. I miss him so much. "Listen to my advice this time. I warned you three years ago about watching what you say. You didn't listen, so just listen to me....please."

I felt a rush of regret, and disappointment wash over my body. It hit me so hard I almost fell over. I felt a small tear trickle roll down. It danced on my cheek before it rolled away and fell onto the floor in silence.

I'm sort of glad that the place was empty, instead of Linda, who was still in the bathroom. His eyes ere burrowing hold into mine. Creating several holes into my soul. 

I nodded my head yes and said "I'll see you later, then."  I shivered. Feeling the loss of my long loss sibling. If only he would listen, if I would of listened to HIM nine years ago.

I turned away, but stopped at the sound of gruff voice. "Let this be the last time I see you." The he walked away. Our relationship was broken, just like my lonely heart. The only thing I need is my brother, and I need Brett.


I burst through the front doors do my house, unable to fight back the tears. I can feel them. Just rolling down my cheeks. I run into the living room and see Brett, and Matt sitting on the sofa.

Both men stand up, but Brett is the one to comfort me. "Cara, what's wrong? Are you hurt?" He comforted. I wanted to tell him. However, I was too sad to even tell him how I was truly feeling.

He walked over to me and pulled me into hug. Kissed the top of my overheated and aching head. That's when Matt said, "That's my cue to leave." Then he swiftly left the room.

As Brett held me, I heard the deep sound of the door being close. That followed with the heavy sound of footsteps. Matt always wore steel-toe boots, which means you could hear him walking from a mile away.

Brett threaded his long fingers through my long hair. I just cried into his chest, making is short wet. He was soothing me. "Calm down, calm down. Shhhh... Tell me what's wrong." He asked, trying to make me feel better.

A few minutes after, I finally calmed down. The room was silent and Brett's shirt was soaked. It was if he got into the shower with his clothes on. He pushed away but still kept his hands on my arms, with a firm grip. "What's wrong?" He asked, repeating his former question. He cocked an eyebrow, waiting for my response.

"I met my brother." I croaked. Brett scrunched up his face. "And why is that so bad?" He asked. 

Dang it! The old me didn't tell him why I wasn't talking to my brother. This is going to be awkward. Well, here it goes.

"My brother and I got into a fight nine years ago." I explained to him. "I said some hurtful things, and it wrecked our entire relation. I ruined what we had. I lost my brother. I lost my other half..." My voice was hoarse from all the crying I've done.

He shushed me again, as if that helped. He held me and asked "do you want some ice cream?" I looked up at him and smiled crookedly. "How did you know?" I asked, as if he read my mind. "I've known you for a couple years, I know when you want ice cream."

I smiled again, but I could still feel my pain. My pain was pushing my smile away, and I don't know if I'll ever heal.

Sorry, the chapter is short.

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