32. Interrogation-part 2

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He was neck. Then that will leave him, Adam, Brian, and Howard. One of them did it, and I need to find out who. Heifer it's too late. I tried to get hold of the other men, but they were either working, or not answering their phone. I couldn't get hold of neither one of them. Brett wanted to call it a night but I didn't.

So, instead of going separate ways, he CARRIED me home. Literally. He pick me up bridal style, for a good twenty minutes. How his arms didn't fall off.... I don't know.

Brett threw me onto the bed and decided to kiss the soft spot behind my ear. He really did love my neck, and I don't know why. "Brett..." I breathed, as he stroked my sides. "Mhmmmm..." He moaned, as if that was an answer. "Why do you like my neck so much?" If I had a question, I was going to ask, and that was that.

He looked at me and smirked. "Because it tastes so sweet. Just like your lips." Then he trailed his fingers over my lips and spoke. "I can't ever get enough." Then he dove down and kissed my on the lips. We kissed for a while until we finally got tired.

I never wanted to stop, and I could tell he didn't either. I love him. I can actually say it. I love Brett. I always have, it's just that I had forgotten it, and I feel real bad that I had forgotten how much I love this Man.

He was perfect, and You'll never find another one like that. Brett pulled me into a hug, and I didn't resist. I couldn't resist. I placed my head on his chest and rested it there. I couldn't leave. I don't ever want to. I want to stay here with Brett.

Even though I know I have a long week ahead of me.


Three days later

Loyd. Finally got. Hold of him and I told him who I was, and what I needed. He agreed without hesitation, and told me me that we could meet at the local coffee shop.

I entered, and saw a spiffy looking business man. I reached my hand out. "Loyd? I'm Cara Smith. Cameron's daughter. This is Brett. Thank you for meeting me here." He looked at me as if I was six years old. "Hello, little lady. Havin' a g'day lassy?" He spoke. His accent was strong. Sounded like he was Irish, or British, or Scottish. I don't know which one says "g'day." But I liked his accent. It was so unique, it was amazing.

He looked to be about 45, and he had black hair, with NO bald spots. His teeth were straight and white, and his build was impressive. Not as handsome as Brett, but he could diffidently catch a woman's attention.

"How may I be of service to ya, lass?" He asked. I smiled, and spoke calmly. "What were you doing with my dad's phone, that night at the bar?" He looked at me a chuckled.

"Don't tell him I told ya. He was so drunk lassy, he forgot 'is phone. Late at night, when I was leavin', I decided to bring his phone back. He left 'is door unlocked the ol' man. So I laird his phone on the stand and locked the door for him." He sounded like he was telling the truth. So I asked him one last question. "So, who else would of had access to him phone?" I Andes.

Loyd looked at me and sipped his coffee. "Not sure lass. But I did see Brian and Adam laughin' bout somethin' a while before that." He spoke. I nodded my head and smiled. "Thank you for your time." I spoke then turned to leave. "It's alright little lady. I will always help such a pretty little thing life you. No offends big guy." He switched his gaze to Brett, making sure not upset him. Brett was pretty big. Muscular and over six foot.

I left and went to my six'o'clock meeting with Brian and Adam. I told them we could of done the "Meeting" together. Even though it was more of an interrogation.

As time went by, six finally riled around and I was face to face with Adam and Brian. I could never get hold of Howard. I sat down across from them, I probably looked terrible. Since I've been stressing all day about this.

"Hi, name's Cara Smith, Cameron's daughter. Nice to meet you." I spoke reaching for their hands, the both shook my hand and Adam kissed it. I could feel Brett's arm tighten around my waist as he pulled me closer to him.

"And who's this big fella?" Brian asked, gesturing to Brett. I went o answer his question, but Brett had already beat me to it. "Brett. Brett Anderson. Her fiancée." He had to stick in that fiancée part, he must feel really nervous around that Adam guy.

Brian looked to be about forty and he was blonde. He had grey hairs sticking out from his blonde ones but you really have to look to notice them. He was skinny and lanky looking. He wore old, small glasses and had a wedding band on his ring finger.

Adam looked to be dad's age. 49. Except Adam was stronger looking and had a thick, Luscious hair. He had stubble that was black, and had a small scar on his neck. I was really crooks of how it got there, but there were DAD'S friends, not mine.

"What is it?" Brian asked. I looked up at him. "Well, did you guys know what happened to my dad's phone?" I asked bluntly. "None of your business." Brian shot at me, and Brett's head shot up. "Answer the questions." I stated. "No, you don't need to know." Brian spoke.

I folded my arms over my chest and looked at him coldly. "I do need to know, it had caused many problems in my family, and I would like to fix them." Brian looked terrified. Without any more seconds, he booted out the door. "Brett!" I yelled, but it was too late.

"Damn, he took the phone." I muttered. Then I heard Adam laugh. I looked at him. "Do you know where Brian is going?" I asked. "Home probably." He spoke. I got up to leave but turned to speak one more time. "Why did you laugh?" He looked at me devilishly.

"Because i took the phone."

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