24. Katie Meade

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I stepped outside to see a woman at the front door. I jumped and then she laughed. "Didn't mean to startle you, my apologies" her voice was soft. I looked at her, she was real pretty. She didn't look as old as me though, and I was twenty nine.

"That's fine, I was just going to the diner." I told her. Her smile grew wider, "I was just going to there, would you like to join me?" How could I say no? I nodded my head and mouthed "Of course." She smiled and we walked to the diner. It was a twelve minute walk, if you didn't have any stops or any interruptions.

"So, what brings you here?" I asked her. She looked over and smiled. "I came with my boyfriend." she told me. Ah, her boyfriend. That's probably why I haven't seen her around here before. "Are you from here?" she asked. I nodded my head.

As soon as I nodded, she stopped in her tracks and placed her hand on my shoulder. I looked at her and she spoke. "I don't even know your name! Oh my god! You must be so confused right now, I'm so sorry." She wasn't wrong, I was confused. She just met me and now, she acting as if I was her long lost at friend. I enjoy being around her, if only i knew her a little better.... Then it won't be so awkward.

"Names Katie. Katie Meade." She reached her hand out. I knew she wanted my hand in return, so I reached my hand out and gave a light shake. "Cara. Cara Smith." She looked at and me and spoke very softly. "You remind me of someone, I just can't put my finger on it," and then she turned around, dragging me along with her.


We came to a small diner. It was really colourful and full of life. It had little butterflies dangling from the ceiling, and many others painted on the walls. Not to mention all the gorgeous flowers that were forming a small siding around the bottom of the wall.

The tables were white, with beautiful designs on them. The chairs were transported from France, I can tell from its elegant design. For such a small, downtown diner, it was really classy. "We'll sit here." She spoke and then she ordered our food.


Have you ever met that one person, that you just know that your going to be the best of friends. It's like you were meant to cross paths. You were meant to meet each other, and you were meant to be together. That's what it feels like.

We talked away, going from one topic to the next. Lipstick to ice cream, houses to dresses. God knows what could come up in a conversation. She is really interesting, bubbly, and full of happiness. She has a golden spirit, and seems so innocent.

She likes to travel, I've learn that. She talks about a bunch of places that she had visited. Like Greece, Norway, Italy, Paris, and even Hong Kong. I never knew someone that could travel so much. Well, until now. I love her stories though. It's like a book that reads it's self to you. It's amazing.

She told me a bit about her boyfriend too. How he protected her, cared for her, loved her. Reminded me of Brett. How he loved me. It was fun, so then we had fun with a little bit of that love, so we exchanged stories of all the most embarrassing things our boyfriends did. In public.

"Well, my boyfriend couldn't get ketchup out of the ketchup bottle. He pounded on it, and pounded on it. He called over a worker, and she laughed at him. He got mad and slammed it on the table. Then a six year old came over and told him it was a new bottle and to remove the plastic. Sure enough, that was the problem." She was laughing halfway through her story, and I'm not quite sure if I got it all. However, it was funny, and I almost lost the food that I was currently chewing.

"Well, my fiancée came with me to a work out session, telling me it was easy. It was yoga. He couldn't do half the moves and people were watching us, since we were outside. By the time we left, I was feeling great. But he was sore, couldn't move all that well, and tripped over a log on the way home. I've never let it go since." I busted out laughing as I explained my story.

"Yoga? He did yoga?" she laughed.

I looked at her and smiled. "I'm not supposed to say the word yoga in the house, but I don't listen."

"Smart girl."

"I try to be."

She smiled and spoke, pointing her finger at me. "Your fiancée's name is Brett right?" I shook my head quickly. "Yep, Brett Anderson. I love his last name. " I smiled at the thought of me and Brett getting married. We haven't set a date, by trust me, I've thought about it.... ALOT.

"Cara Anderson. That sounds nice." she complimented. "Thanks!" I spoke cheerfully, as I shoved more fries into my watering mouth. She laughed when I began to chew. "Your fries ain't going anywhere. You don't need to eat them as if their your last." She spoke, but I honestly couldn't care. I loved the fries here, you couldn't get them anywhere else.

I wiped my hands off in my napkin, my hands had vinegar on them. I liked vinegar on my fries, and I hated ketchup. Call me weird, but I could honestly care less. I like it, and that's my opinion.

We got up to leave, but before she could leave I stopped her. I smiled, "That was fun." she nodded her head. "We should do that gain sometime." We began to walk away but I totally forgot to ask her something.

"Hey! What's your boyfriends name?" She smiled. "The one and only...." She blushed.

"Chase Smith."


This chapter was dedicated to my best friend, BlankBlankBlank78 she was one of the firsts to read this story and always kept me motivated to write more. Thanks BlankBlankBlank78 !


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