18. Time

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Vegas was nice. We spent a few more days sight seeing, eating, kissing..... But it was a real nice experience. It's not everyday you get to go on a vacation to Vegas.

So here I am, in bed, next to Brett. I yawned, and it wasn't one of those cute yawns. It was one of those yawns when your face goes all funny and your all scrunched up. It makes you look real ugly.

So when I opened my eyes, I noticed that Brett was staring right at me. It was rather embarrassing. I looked at him and said "just forget that ever happened."

He opened his mouth to say something but them closed it. He replaced those words with a small laugh. "Why are you laughing?" I shot at him, but that only made Brett laugh even more. "Because you make such a big deal out of everything." He chuckled.

I grunted and turned away from him, only because I felt dizzy. I wasn't feeling well, and then my world around me went down the drain, and I came into a new one.


"Brett! I ruined it! I'm so sorry!!" I yelled, pulling on my own hair. Brett came over quickly and took hold of my hands. "Quit doing that, it's not your fault Cara." He explained. I turned around and started whispering to myself.

"It's all your fault Cara, don't let him tell you it's not. You ruined it, it was all you." I whispered. Brett placed a hand on my waist and just with a hard tug. I came crashing into his lean, hard body.

"What are you whispering?" He asked me. "Nothing." I told him quickly. He wasn't pleased with that answer because be removed the hair had fallen onto my shoulders. He moved it over and placed his lips on the soft spot behind my ear.

I gasped at this sudden turn of behaviour. "Brett, what are you doing?" I asked him, but that only made him kiss there even HARDER.

I stumbled, but he picked me up, bridal style, and threw me into the bed. He crawled over and was now on top of me. He used his arms as support, so he wouldn't squish me between him and the bed. He went back to his former duty and began kissing the soft spot behind my ear once more. And




Was he good.

I lifted my head to grant him more access, so he moved down to my collar bone, i LOVED it when he nibbled on my collar bone.

He pulled away, and without another word he began to kiss me on the lips. Long, hard, and he was taking control of it. Like he always did. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he ran one of his hands through my hair. It was probably all messy, knotted, and not fit to look at, but I couldn't care less.

After he pulled away he looked into my eyes and said "it was never you fault. Stop making such a big deal out of everything."


After my little flashback I turned to face Brett, he was watching me. Just looking at me as if I was animal in the jungle that he had just discovered. "Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked him. He smiled and spoke. "Because your beautiful."

I blushed. How could you not? After my flashback, I noticed how comforting Brett was. My flashback didn't even show me what I ruined, just Brett going out of his way to console me.

He reached our and bag an to caress my face, I jumped at his sudden touch. Then I feel back into bed and snuggled right into Brett. He wrapped his long, muscular arms around me, and I prayed that he wouldn't let go. 

He kissed me on the forehead, and I could feel myself falling asleep. I pinched my arm to stay away, and I managed to stay awake. Which was a miracle because when I feel sleepy, it's nearly impossible to keep me awake.


No way for it to happen. No way to achieve it. No way to get to it. It's never going to come, which means you'll never be able to accomplish it. You can never feel that pride when you beat it, because you can't.


The amazing deep feeling you get when you accomplish something big. It's a sensational feeling. You can just feel the happiness and joy radiating off your body. It's pure.


Not tainted. Clean, and clear. Not broken. It not mixed with any other horrid things that could possible destroy its being. It is that white light of energy, that can save us all.


Most people might say, "oh I don't have he energy to do this, don't have the energy to do that." Energy lives inside us. It's a invisible force that keep you moving. Keeps you alive. The energy is you. Your energy is your soul.


Your spiritual being. Your feelings, your thoughts, your behaviours. Your Brain stores it all, but your soul is your personality. If you believe in that sort of thing. You can have a dark soul, or you can pure, or you can be a mix. It's your decisions that makes your soul the way it is.

Your can't just say that that your going to change, you actually have to. You have to live with yourself your entire life, but it's your choice of how you live with it. You don't have to live the way people tell you to live. You have that choice, and you can make that decision. You can face the outcome, and love through the circumstances.

You are strong enough to get through it all, even though some people believe they can't. You are, and one day you will learn that. Some things take time.

But time is one thing not many of us have enough of. So take action when you can. Fix things when you can, because one day, your clock will tick your life away.

You will run out of time.

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