19. Old foes.

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I got out of bed, and got dressed in a nice formal outfit. It was cute, so I decided to go with it.

Brett stayed in bed, he was asleep again. He was up late last night, doing something for work. He had forgot about it early that day, so he had to do it late at night. I wanted to help him, but I didn't understand any of that stuff. Besides, he told me I should sleep, he wouldn't let me help him anyway. He's just difficult like that.

I went outside, leaving Brett a nice little note that said:

Gone out for a little bit,
Be back soon.

Short, sweet and straight to the point. I left, shutting the door very quickly, making sure I didn't disturb Brett.

I walked down the long hallway, passing and old lady, I'd say late fifties, early sixties. She told I looked beautiful and I could help it but to feel beautiful. I thanked her and she said it's not very often she meets someone with such good manners. I smiled and then we parted ways.

She was kind, the before j left I saw a business man talking on the phone. He asked me to write down something for him, so I pulled out a notepad and wrote down what he whispered to me. When he clicked off I handed him the note.

"Thank you, not many people would of stopped to do that. You have such a kind heart." Then he walked off. I smiled at his words. I knew that I could fix my mistakes and become a better person.

I was on the side of the road when my phone rang. "Yes?" I said. "Miss me?" Said a familiar voice.


"The one and only."

"What are you doing?"

"Heading to he cafe, wanna join?"

"Be there in five."

"Got it, meet ya there"

Then we clicked off. This will be the second time meeting in person. He's been so busy with his boyfriend and the bills and all.

Can't wait to see him face again.


I sat down in the cafe, across from Murphy. We were talking about the vacation we both had. You see, while I was in Vegas, he went to Venice.

"Oh my god, Trent seems so nice!" I exclaimed, after Murphy told me a few of his stories from Venice.

"He is. It's weird that he had to take a business trip so soon though. I miss him." He spoke softly. I felt bad that he was away from Trent a lot, even though they seem to make their relation work. In happy for them.

"So, have you decided if your...." But i stopped my sentence when I noticed my brother, Chase, sitting on the other side of the cafe.

He was sipping a coffee, completely out of this world. He must of not seen me come in, or he was just ignoring me.

"What?" Asked Murphy, and be began to turn his head. "No!" I whispered.


"Because he's my brother..."

"Your brother? You don't talk about him much."

"I know, I did something terrible to him, and he hates me."

"It can't be that bad."

"Oh yes it can."

We kept going on like that for a little bit. I told Murphy what happened, and he just stared at me. "God, it can be that bad." He said, then leaned back in his chair.

"Yes, I know. That's why I'm on a quest to fix my mistakes. This memory loss of mind, it gave me a second chance. I can fix who I was in the past."

"Like a do-over?"

"Yes, like a do-over."

"Like how you fixed things with me?"

"Yep, I fixed our relationship, and now I'm going to fix the relationship with my brother, but I'm going to give him time."


"Yes, I'm not going to talk to him for a while, I'm going to give him space. He deserves it. He wants it. He needs it."

And that was true. Chase wasn't too fond of me. I said some hurtful things. Like, who tells there brother that your not his family anymore? Exactly. I messed up, but the only thing that's going to fix this is time, and a few conversations.

I moved my eyes so I could see him. Just so he would know I was looking at him. He was looking directly at me, and he didn't look anger. He looked.... Hurt.

God, what did I do? I messed up our relationships and now it would never get better. I looked back at Murphy. "He's looking at me." I told him. "What?" He asked.

"He's looking at me?"

"So? Just wave or ignore it."

"I can't wave!"

"Then ignore him. You need him to know that your sorry though, but you don't want to go kissing his feet either."

I looked at him, I could feel my eyes glossing over. "I know."

"Well then, look at me. Eat your muffin, drink your tea...."

"It coffee."

"Whatever. Then talk about whatever. Act like you don't see him, then maybe he'll walk over to talk to you. You can't always be the one to apologize."

"But I was in the wrong."

"Yes, but he didn't give you any heads up. You had a right to be mad remember. He didn't tell you till the day he was leaving."

Murphy had a point. That was true, but that still didn't give me any reason to yell at him. It wasn't his fault. He was too frightened to tell me. He didn't want me to act the way.

I snapped out of my deep thoughts when I heard the cafe door slam. "Cara Smith!" She yelled. Then eyed me. She looked like she wanted to kill me.

This can't be good.

She stormed over to my table and pointed in my face. "How could you do that to me!?!?" She screamed, that slammed me across the face.

I fell to the ground when a loud thump. "Cara! I heard a voice, sounded like Murphy. I felt strong arms lift me up. I looked up expecting Murphy. But it wasn't.

It was Chase.

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