22. Relationship

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"Sorry to disappoint you, I just had to see if you were okay." He walked in and folded his arms over his chest. Chase, was in my bedroom, and he wasn't avoiding me.

I looked up and met his gaze. "I'm okay, my cheek hurts a little." I told him. He walked over and placed a finger under my chin. He lifted my chin so he could get s good look at my cheek. "A little swollen, those salty tears of yours are not helping it all that much." He told me. I tried to look down but he kept my face in place. "Quit trying to look away from me. I'm going to be here for a little while. Enjoy it while you can." He stated, and then let go of my chin.

"Put some ice of that. It will put some of the swelling down." He instructed. I nodded and tried to walk past him, but he blocked my way. "Don't you walk away from me." He said. I pointed to the door. "But you said...."

"I meant later!"


Then I sat back down on the edge of the bed, angrily wiping away the tears that were still rolling down my cheeks. He sighed and walked over to me. I looked up at his muscular form and froze.

The fire that was once in his eyes had dimmed down a little bit, and didn't seem so furled with rage. "There's no need to cry, I'm here to protect you." He spoke softly. He changed completely. "Chase, I know but I need to apologize..." Then his eyes turned stone cold. "I don't want to hear it. I am only here for a brief moment. Don't think that your in the clear." He said coldly, not once sign of regret in his sentence. He must truly hate me.

"I can see right through you. I don't hate you, Cara. I will never hate you, but you put me in a tough position and my hands are tied behind my back." He explained. "It has been nine years. Nine long years, thinking that I had lost my sister. You don't know what that does to a person. I put my head down. There was a short pause, and then I spoke. "But I do." He looked at me. "What?"

"I went nine years. I went nine long years, thinking that I had lost my brother. So, I do know what that can do to you. It breaks you. Shatters you into tiny little pieces and there's no way you can could back together again. Until you have them again, but I still remain in tiny pieces on the floor." I explained. He sighed and spoke.

"And so do I."

I reached for my pillow and I hugged into it tightly. "You can't bury yourself into that pillow, you'll eventually have to let go." He said, with no sympathy in his voice.

He was just here to see if I was feeling okay, that's all. He's not here to make amends.

"I guess you know about my accident." I said trying to change the subject. "Yes, and I was one of the first to know about your memory loss, word gets around quickly." He explained. "I am actually surprise you remembered me."

I looked at him. "When I ran into you in the cafe, I automatically knew that you were my twin brother. I don't know why I just knew."

His mouth began to curve, but he wiped away and continued with his stone cold expression. "I guess you just can't forget me, huh?" I shook my head no. There was no way I could forget him.

"Now stop trying to change the subject, do you know who that lady was? The one that hit you?" He asked. "No, I really don't. She's just some strange woman that I can't remember." I told him. He sighed and folded his arms over his chest.

"That sucks." He spoke. I took in a deep breath, and then I felt my head go funny.


"Dad is not going to like this." Chase spoke, as he ran his fingers angrily through his hair. I was on the phone, with Chase.

"How bad is it?" I asked him. I heard him sigh and then there was a pause. Silence. "It's terrible. Beyond repair." He explained. 

I sighed, "are you okay?"  I asked him. I had already asked him as soon as he told me he wrecked dads car, but he never answered. "I'm okay. Just a few bruises, and a scrap. I'm fine." He told me, making me feel a little bit better. "God." He spoke, then chuckled.

"This sucks."


"Don't worry, she spaces out like that. It's her remembering something." I heard Brett explain something to Chase but I couldn't see it. I opened my eyes and saw the two boys just staring at me. "Cara! Are you alright!" This was coming from Chase. He was completely new to my behaviours. I nodded my head yes, and stood up.

Babe, sit down. You shouldn't be be up. You've probably got a painful headache." Brett told me, and as if it was on cue, I felt pain rush to my head. I fell back into the bed. "Cara, are you alright?" Brett asked, as he stepped over towards me. "Advil, please." I asked him. "We don't have any." He spoke. "But I'll get some, just give me a moment." Then he was gone. Leaving me alone again, with Chase.

"There's so much that we don't know about each other, and that's really sad." He spoke, as soon as he heard the door close. "What do you mean?" I asked, shocked by his statement. "I mean, I didn't really know that you and Brett were engaged." He spoke harshly. Someone must of left the teeny tiny part out. "Yeah, but I bet there are things I don't know about you either..." I shot at him.

He paused. "Yeah, your right." He spoke. What?

"I do have one secret I've been meaning to tell you, but I don't know how. Since your still not in the clear....I'll tell you, but then I'll leave. Got it?"

I nodded my head, to show him that I understand. He chuckled and placed his hands on his hips. "I'm in a relationship, and nobody know about it."

He paused.

"Only you know."

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