34. I love you

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"Cameron..." Mom spoke, but covered her mouth. "I see that you got over me so quickly. Nice to see you Adam." Dad spoke sourly and bitterly, the name must of tasted awful on his tongue.

"No, I had nothing to do with it, I didn't know he was going to kiss me on the forehead." Mom spoke, and dads eyes softened. "Go home Adam." Dad spoke the pushed pass him to get into the house. Adam looked at mom, and spoke. "Do you want me to go?"

Mom looked at him and nodded her head. "I want to speak to my husband, alone." She told him and he shook his head. "But what if he tries to hurt you?" Adam asked. Dad, looked real mad. "I would never...." However mom stopped him from talking, just by the wave of his hand. That's how powerful she was, and that's how much he loved her.

"Cameron would never hurt me, that's not who he is." She told Adam, but that didn't please Adam at all. "Yeah, but didn't he already hurt you once? Don't you remember? The night he called you?" He reminded her of the day dad was BLAMED for wanting a divorce.

To be completely honest, dad was the most comforting person to be around with this went on. Mom stayed in her room, would never talk about it, and would go out of the house. Brett was nice, but didn't really understand.

Dad on the other hand would always answer his phone, and always ask if I was okay. Not once did he make me feel bad, nor did he say that he was breaking down. It's okay if he was, I would be able to comfort him then, but dad was strong. Really strong, and he handled things well, especially for me and Chase. He was a hero in my book.

"No, that's not Cameron's fault! It never was! Now....leave." Mom pointed to the door and Adam, still refused to leave. "No! Kim, you have to listen to me. He'll only hurt you. Over and over and over again." Adam pleaded with mom but she wanted nothing to do with it.

"Now Adam. I want to speak to my husband. I only have him for four more days you know...." She told him, and I could see tears well up in her eyes. "Well, I'll call you later...." Adam went to say but mom cut him off. "No, if I want to see you, if I don't...." She paused and scooted Adam out. She put her hand on the door and spoke. "Then good riddance!" And slammed the door in his face.

That was awesome. She just got rid of Adam, even when he didn't want to. She just slammed the door in his face. I choked back a laugh, and fixed my gaze in dad. Then there was no more laughing, or thoughts about laughing. Dad, the strongest man I know, had one tear rolling down his cheek.

He loves her, a lot. Now he's afraid that he'll lose her.... To his best friend. Well now... Now I can prove it.

"You guys don't have to leave each other." I spoke out. They both looked up. "We don't?" They said at the same time, then looked at each other. Dad winked and mom blushed. Oh, thief flirting.

I moved everyone into the living room and took a chair from the table in with me. I put that chair right in front of the couch and say their. Then I heard the door open and close. Waiting for the person to walk in.

Chase. "I called Chase to join us, he's in this family and deserves to know just as much as we do." And then Chase sat down at the far of the couch, away from mom and dad. He wasn't taking this too well.

I looked at mom and dad, and spoke softly. "We all know you all love each other. You don't need to hide it. So the question that stumps me, is why you guys would leave each other in the first place?" I spoke as if I was some sort of professional.

Dad looked at mom and mom looked at dad. "Listen to this recoding Brett took, and you'll see what actually went on."
I told them then hit play on the the phone.

**after the recording was over**

"You see, it was all a misunderstanding. I wanted you guys to know that you still love...." But it was too late. They were kissing. Well, more liking making out and I didn't want to see my parents make out. "Oh my god!" I Screamed, and left the room, Chase and Brett followed me.

"We did it! Cara, how did you know?" Chase asked me in surprise. "I spoke to both parents to get each side of the story, both said they still loved each other. So something didn't add up, so
I had to figure out about that phone call.... Something wasn't right." I told Chase and he hugged me. He chuckled and spoke. "I knew that you IQ was high."

I smiled at that, and mom and dad walked in. "We called off the divorce. We should of spoken to each other earlier." Mom spoke, and I nodded my head. Dad looked down at her, "I love you." His voice was no longer full of regret. Mom looked up at him, "I love you too."

"Thanks, we can never thank you enough." Then the two left without another word. Chase hugged me and kissed my on the forehead before leaving, and then it was just Me and Brett.

"Brett, I got to tell you something..." But I stopped when Brett kissed me. When he looked me in the eyes, he spoke softly. "I love you Cara, I always have!" I cupped his face in my hands and placed my head on his. I smiled and spoke softly."

"I love you too!"

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