14. Vegas- part 1

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"One room please." Brett said to the hotel manager. The manager was running front desk, and we were praying that all the rooms weren't l taken up. She went through the computer and smiled. "Yes, we do have a room for you and your wife." She spoke. "Fiancé." He told her, "that's my fiancé."

She placed a hand on her heat and said, "pardon me for jumping to conclusions." Brett told her it was not a problem. "Room 254 okay for you guys?" Brett gasped at the number. "There a problem, sir?" She asked. He shook his head. "No, the room is Perfect." He told her, he turned around me and I could see pure joy in his face. He took the key away from the horse manager bad grabbed hold of my hand.

"He turned to me and said. "Do you recognize the numbers, babe?" I shook my head no. He placed a hand on my waist and said, "remember, street 254."

Street 254!

Yes! My eyes went all funny and my head went all funny. I was into the pay, watching another memory.


I was walking down the street, street 254. Me and my friends were supposed to meet at the club in this street. I had on a short black dress, blank high heels, and my hair was done all messy.

I came to the small club and the music was blasting. It was full of people too. I walked over to the bar. It was just me and this other dude. I sat down two seats away from him.

The bartender looked at me and said "what will it be?" I though for a moment and spoke, "I'll just have water for now." He looked at me all funny and the grabbed me a glass of water. I wasn't planning on drinking tonight. Linda was bringing her car and I was the designated driver. We may want to have fun, but we still have to be safe in the process.

Five minutes of waiting and I got a phone call from one of Linda's friends. "Um, Cara? Yes, Linda is sick, she isn't feeling all that well. Please tell me aren't already at the club.." She spoke. "I could tell you that, but it would be a lie...." I sounded disappointed. "I'm so sorry but I'll.... Oh! Oh god! She puked in my lap! Ewwwww! Bring her to the bathroom and get me a robe!!!!!Aghhhhh......" Then she clicked off. Then only thing I could say say now was "ewwwww."

"That bad huh?" Said the man, two seats away from me. "Yeah, my best friend got sick." I told him, I don't know why, but I did. He looked over and pointed to the seat next to me, "do you mind?" I shook my head no. "Of course not. Go ahead."

He stood up from his former spot and took a seat next to me. "Can I get you anything?" He asked I shook my head "no, I'm good, thanks." He smiled and put his hand out, for me to shake. I took his hand and he introduced himself. "Brett, Brett Anderson. You look lovely tonight." I turned away quickly so he wouldn't see me blush.

I looked at him again and said "Cara Smith. In the flesh." He chuckled at my response. He cocked and eyebrows and smiled. He had a heart melting smile. "Would you like to meet some time? At the cafe down the street. I would love to get to know you." God, his smile was contagious. "I would love to." I told him, the stood to walk away.

He grabbed my wrist and turned me around. I was startled by his sudden action. He stood, towering over me and spoke very quietly, like a whisper. "Don't leave me hanging, I'll see you Wednesday, twelve thirty. Be there, babe." Then he left without another word.

I watched his disappear into the crowd. He was gorgeous, can't wait to see him on Wednesday. I tilted my head to the side, and jumped when my phone rang. I slid my phone out of my pocket and picked it up. "Yeah...." I sounded dazed, or drunk. Whatever.

"What's wrong with you?" Said Linda. "Oh! Your better. How was your friends clothing after?" I laughed. She laughed to and said, "she got all grossed out and left, even after I told her it was just a burger and fries I ate at Burger King a while ago."

I smiled at her comment, and the giggled. As if I was a little girl all over again. "What's got you in such a good mood?" She asked.



"Nothing I swear!"

"Tell me."

I sighed, "you don't know Brett Anderson by any chance?"

I heard her gasp on and then she laughed. "Yes! He the hottie of the town! You got to go meet him again!" I told her about our get together on Wednesday. She gasped, again.

"C, you have to go." I smirked. "Of course I'm going, do you really think I'm going to pass up someone like that?" I asked her. "No, but listen to me c. He's a keeper."

I smiled at her comment, "i know."


We walked into the room and it was beautiful. It had a gorgeous, clean kitchen. Two sofas in front of a large tv. One large bedroom with a extremely large bed. I smiled.

He looked at me and said, "you like?" I turned to face him, and my eyes lit up. "Love it." I told him, and walked over and planted a soft kiss on his lips. He smiled, as his hands dropped to my waist.

"What was that for?" He asked, but he knew exactly what it was for. "For you. You've done so much for me and I honestly don't know how to thank you." I told him. He started stepping closer to me, and started to back up a little.

I eventually hit a wall, kind of figured. He leaned in close to me, and spoke. "You've already done so much." He trailed my fingers a along his jaw. "How can I return the favour?" I asked him. He chucked and then smirked. "I know what you can do."

He kissed me long and hard on the lips. His hands on waist, and then in my hair. He pulled away and brought his lips to my ear. He whispered. "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas."

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