A Dream Can Tell a Lot [Dream x Reader]

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I'm sorry.

A dream can tell a lot about a person. A person can be well determined by their dreams. A reversible analogy that a lot of people just don't care to use often. But why is it like this? Well, a Dream is a manifestation of your current star of mind, your personality, and your emotions. With those three mixed together, you get exactly who that person is and how they react to situations they are handling in the present.

Dream likes to use the dreamscape to learn a lot about a person he wants to befriend. He will look at their dreams and determine if he needs to make them happy or if he should even try. If they are a danger, he will engage. But it's the sad people he wants to make happy again.

So he looked at the Dream. It was you. You were standing at the shore with a sad smile on your face as you watched the sunset in a nice breeze. Then he looked at the next Dream. You were in all black and standing next to a coffin. He couldn't see who was inside ar a glance. But all he had was a glance.

You were full of grief.

He scrolled to the next gender of dreams within the dreamscape. He saw lots of fire. He sans tou angry, crying even as you threw the lighter on the ground and set the clothing, letters, ndr pile of other things into flames. Another person was in the dream. They were scared and crying, on their oneshot in front of the burning things. He scrolled over, scared at what it meant. Then he saw you standing in emptiness. The only other thing was contained in a bubble it was the same person.

You were getting over a toxic relationship.

He scrolled to the last genre. He always looks at the three genres of a huamn's Dream before judging if they need his help or not. He saw... happiness? You as a small child, holding the hands of your parent and giggling. He smiled at the Dream and scrolled to the next one. You were on a swing, one parent pushed you and the other one was making silly faces at you. He sees this kind of thing often.

A longing for the past.

Three major things that indicated you were going through a bad time. Dream looked through the six core dreams again in the dreamscape. He took each dreamcloud and condensed it, cramming it into a small, portable size and bringing them with him. Once he make sure you happy again, you won't  need those three genres.


You hugged your pillow. You lost Your mother. Your father left with whatever siblings you have. That Left you all alone. You got a lover, but it turned out they cheated on you. You kicked them out. You truly were alone.

You look up when you see a flash of light. An outline of a small boy isn't seen before he walks from the light and reveals himself as a skeleton. You didn't care what he was. Monsters were seen every day. But what you wanted to know was why and how he was here.

Dream could read you like an open book. He's seen your dreams and your happiness. Neither of them had very much joy. He just looked into your eyes, seeing the wild sadness, despair, and other negative things floating around in them. He opened his arms.

"It looks like someone could use a hug"

You started crying. A hug? Damn, how long ago did you have one of those? A few months? Maybe even half a year? Who cares who he was. He offered hugs and emotional support, two things you've been neglected in your misreble life.

"Yeah... please?"

Dream giggled, walking up to you. You threw the pillow somewhere else and wrapped your arm so around his small, skinny frame. Well duh, he was a skeleton. You tried to prevent yourself from crying on his shoulder. Don't want to ruin that shirt of his. But.... the hug was nice.

"Thank you...

Dream could feel his aura taking your negativity and replacing it with happiness. You needed this. At least he was doing his job. A dream can tell a lot about a person. And a person can be well determined by their dreams. But as they change, so do their dreams.

 Hopefully your dreams are better now.

Wow, that went deep. Woah. I'm sorry for lack of updates! Speed and power camp started! That's an athletics camp... so updates are very infrequent compared to my normal five  day! Sorry.

I'm Sorry.


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