Bridecest- Wandering baby

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Hey guys! @Im_the_gay_emo wanted a bvb age play, which I love!

As always, leave me some prompts and I'll get to them Asap!

Alright, let's get into the story.

Jinxx: Mama

Jake: Dada

CC: Daddy

Ashley: Soon to be 3 year old head space

Andy: 1 year old head space


**Jinxx's P.O.V**

   When all of use started dating, we were well aware of Andy's childish behaviors. That soon led to us starting age play with him. 

   Andy was a smaller baby. He liked being carried and bottle fed, and he wore diapers as well. 

   "Mammmaaaa." He babbles, snuggling against my chest. I grin down at him. He was adorable like this, but from the way he gnawed at my shirt he just wanted his pacifier. I find one in my pocket and pull my shirt free, popping the pacifier into his open mouth before he had a chance to start whining.

   Jake, Ashley and CC were talking in the other room, and I start thinking about Ash. He seemed more nervous and shy recently. Sometimes I caught him sucking on the tip of his thumb, or his voice sounded young and soft. One time he nearly wet himself since he didn't want to bother us so we could find a bathroom.

   Something was up, and I was seriously worried about him. Andy coos up at me innocently. He yawns a bit, snuggling closer and falling asleep. I chuckle softly, and lay him on the couch, swaddled safely in his blanket, and go to check on Ashley.

   "Ashley, shhh shhh.. Hey calm down." CC was cradling Ashley, and I gape at the clothes he was wearing. Ashley wore only a blue and green pull up and a tank top. Ashley was crying so hard he was red in the face, and CC and Jake were trying their best to calm him down. I look around the room and find a pacifier and little pickachu stuffed animal. 

   "Ashy? Honey can you look at Mama please?" Ashley looks up at me, blinking as tears fell down his face. I smile and put the pacifier into his mouth, handing him his stuffed animal. "Hey, its okay..Are you a baby, Ashy?" I ask. He shakes his head, his tears finally subsiding.

   "I big boy. I tree years ol'." He says with determination, holding out three fingers. I chuckle, glancing up at CC and Jake who were grinning with an adoring look. 

   "That's a very big boy! Well, it's okay to be little you know..." I say and he nods smiling behind his paci. "Looks like we've got two babies.." I say with a little grin.

**Meanwhile, third person**

   Andy woke up with a few tired blinks and a small whine. Where was his Mama? Where was Daddy and Dada? He sighs and wiggles from his blanket, and begins crawling around. If there was no Mama or parents around he could go exploring! 

   He crawls to the front door and manages to wiggle the door knob. He fusses as it twists but he can't get in it open. He tries again, and the door opens up. He giggles and begins crawling outside. It was quiet, but maybe he could find a new friend to play with! He crawls around and hears some voices.

   It sounded like Uncle Sebastian and Uncle Remington! He crawls towards the voices, eager to find his Uncles.

**Jinxx's P.O.V**

   I was freaking out. Where was Andy!? The door to our apartment was open, and despite CC telling me not to think the worse, I felt the fear of Andy being taken from us squeeze me. 

   There was a knock at the door.

   Andy was cradled against Sebastian's chest, while Remington stood behind him, holding the hand of a toddler Emerson. 

   "Found this little one wandering around. Curious little boy isn't he?" Sebastian says, but he, Remington, and all of us knew, little Andy could've been so badly hurt. I snatch Andy from his arms, holding him against my chest.

   "Andy!! You do not go wandering around like that! That is so so dangerous!!" I scold. Andy blinks in surprise, looking sadly up at me. 

   Jake softly touches my shoulder.

   "Jinxx, I know you were worried, but you can't yell.. You'll scare him." He says softly. I take a deep breath and snuggle Andy softly. Andy whimpers and calms against me. Sebastian chuckles, and they bid us a farewell. 

   We gave Andy a lesson on not running off without us, followed up by a time out and then lots of cuddles.We introduced toddler Ashley, who was buzzing with excitement to have a baby brother, and Andy was in awe of his big brother.

   The two act shy around each other, but soon are snuggled on the couch watching a kids show with their pacifier and a very warm blanket wrapped around them. I smile softly, my fear finally ebbing away. Jake kisses my cheek lovingly and smiles, while CC was making diner. The house felt at peace.


Alright guys I hope you guys liked this chapter!

Thank you guys for reading!

I love you guys!

Bye bye! ^.^

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