Candley- Comfort

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I am a very bad person for making you guys wait.

You have permission to hit me with a news paper.

Any way I hope you guys like it.


**Andy's P.O.V**

   Ashley was a fussy boy friend. He was always adorably fussy. He was slightly shorter then everyone except Jinxx, but even Jinxx was pretty intimidating. When CC and I got in a relationship with him, his fussiness lessened.

   But he still had lots of childish actions. From the occasional thumb sucking, timeouts, tantrums, crying fits, and need for cuddles. But none of us really minded. 

   Until CC stumbled across a little box. It was full of pacis, bottles, a onesie, and a pack of diapers. 

   "CC... I think... Are these Ashley's?" I asked, holding up the soft warm panda onesie. CC coos and touched it gently.

   "I think so. He is a huge panda lover." He grins. "Looks like he's a little." He said  absentmindedly. I look up at him.

   "A what?" I ask. I had no idea what a little was. How did CC know?

   "It when someone acts younger then they are to relieve stress." He explains. I nodded and pulled out the black pacifier. "Ashley! Can you come up here!?" CC calls him. I drop the pacifier, like I had done something wrong. I heard Ashley approach and gasp, looking down at the onesie in my hands, and the little box in CC's box.

   "Wait... Wait it isn't what it looks like!" He insisted fearfully, eyes suddenly swimming with tears. CC stood and offered the box. 

   "I'm pretty sure your little. And that's okay. It makes sense, the way you act. We don't mind that your little." He coos softly. Ashley blushed and looked at me with scared eyes. He eyed the onesie in my hand, and I had a feeling it meant a lot to him. I stood and offered it too him, kissing his cheek. 

   "Y-your not mad?" He asked shyly. I shook my head and chuckle. 

   "Nope. Not in the slightest baby boy." I stroke his hair gently. I kiss him softly and he melted into the touch. CC chuckles and rubs my back.

   "Hey... why don't you go little?" He asks lovingly, stroking Ashley's hair. Ashley closed his eyes and melted into the soft touch. He took a deep breath, eyes opening. They seemed physically younger, and soft. I lay him on his back on the bed and slip off his pants and boxers. He started whining as I tried to diaper him up, but CC gave him his pacifier, which calmed him a little.

   "There we go." CC says, kissing his forehead. He set a teddy bear in his arms, after stripping his shirt and grabbing the panda onesie.

   Once he was all dressed, he burst into giggles and looked up at us.

   "Hello!" I coo, rubbing his tummy gently. He clings to me and scoops him up, setting him on his hip and kissing his cheek gently. CC strokes Ashley's hair. 

   We spent the afternoon watching movies, and playing with Ashley. Feeding him bottles and changing him when he needed it. It made my chest warm hearing him giggling and seeing him smile at us. Stress had been pushed away, and he was finally calm.

   "I think it's a comfort thing for all of us." CC admits shyly, his eyes shining happily. 

   "Me too. It's pretty nice." I chuckle, rubbing his tummy gently.

   Ashley smiles and kisses us each softly, the kiss holding a slight passion. 

   "Thank you. For helping me." He whispers softly. CC chuckles, patting his back. 

   "We'd do anything for you." He coos to him. He gives a giggle, and rubs his head into my shoulder, eyes closing as he settled for a nap. I grin and stroke his hair gently, watching as he drifted to sleep.

   "This is amazing." CC whispers lovingly. I grin and kiss him softly.

   "This is perfect. I wouldn't want our life any other way." The tour bus door opens and Jinxx and Jake came on. One glance at Ashley, and they looked confused.

   "What... What's going on?"


I might do a part two of this but not sure.

Thank you guys for waiting.

As I said prompts will re open over the summer when I have more time, but I'll also reopen for winter break so I can get some done.

Thank you for reading.

Love you guys.

Bye bye ^.^

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