Jinxxson- Foxy boys

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Hey hey hey y'all! @kikitheweird wanted this one!

I hope you guys like this and as always leave requests!

So, let's get into the story!


**Emerson's P.O.V**

   I sigh in a tired frustration, staring at the paper in front of me. I loved drawing, but it's frustrating at times. My hand hurt so I cap the sharpie and I stretch and flex my hand. I needed a break anyway. I pout when I check my phone. Jinxx was supposed to be home twenty minutes ago. 

   I shoot him a quick text, then head downstairs for a snack. I make some sandwiches, and a glass of tru moo. I sit back in front of the paper and sigh tiredly, studying my paper. I wanted to finish up the piece today, but I didn't quite know what to do for the sky. 

   "Emerson!" I jump and nearly spill the milk on the carpet. I look up to find Jinxx in the door way, holding a big box. "Lost in thought there, baby?" He asks, smiling and setting the box gingerly onto the bed. 

   "Yeah I guess so.." I say, smiling shyly. Jinxx always made me nervous, made my stomach flutter, made me giggling made me shy. I loved these feelings.

   "Come here sweetie." He says, his voice teasing, a loving tease. I squeak and scurry up, burrowing my head in his chest. "Hey baby boy. Your too cute." He chuckles, and he pats the box. "Why don't you open the box baby?"

   I open the box and gasp. Two fluffy foxes sat in the box, curled up and blinking up at me with their pretty eyes. I gasp and look up at Jinxx, who just grins.

   "One of my friends is a vet, and these two foxes were found de clawed and left on the side of the road. Can't survive without those, so they were domesticated, and I thought you'd like them as your pets." Jinxx says, smiling. I squeal and hug Jinxx, who explained everything about how we would take care of them, and I glance at my artwork.

   I had an idea.

**Time skip**

   I named the foxes Rain and Fire, and I sat back gazing happily at my art.

   Two fluffy fox looking clouds filled the sky, and I smile, looking at Jinxx who was playing with Rain. Rain had bright blue eyes, and Fire had a bright red back, brighter then Rain's. Jinxx whines, pouting at me.

   "Come cuddle!" He whines, poking his bottom lip out. I chuckle and climb into the bed, ambushed by my wiggling foxes.

   "Thank you, Jinxxy." I whisper, smiling at him. Jinxx smiles and gently place the foxes in a large play pen. It had chew toys inside,and they started playing happily. Jinxx climbs on top of me, straddling my hips and kissing me. I shiver and moan. I loved his lips, his hands on me. I loved the way he made me feel.

   I loved him.

   I grin against his lips and giggle, feeling his lips travel lower. My life felt so full and amazing.


Hey hey guys! Thank you for reading and as always, leave prompts!

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!

Love you guys! 

Bye bye! ^.^

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