Bridecest- Potty training

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Hey guys! Don't have the @ for this but they wanted the three babies getting their own potties and they need their help using.

I hope you guys like it so send in some prompts if you'd like!

Ashley: 2 years old head space

Andy: 9-1 year head space.

Jinxx: 3 year old head space. 

Jake: Daddy

CC: Mommy


**CC's P.O.V**

   Andy crawled around the living room babbling quietly, just slightly aged up to his 1 year head space, making him move around a bit more then normal. He wore a large diaper, with a batman symbol on the butt. It was the cutest thing I'd ever seen. Ashley and Jinxx were babbling quietly, and played with a few of the blocks they had. Jinxx was old enough mentally for slightly less thick diaper, unlike Ashley and Andy. 

   But Jake and I were thinking of getting them kid toilets, something to use on tour instead of diapers, just in case we ran out over tour. 

   Jake grinned and he kisses my lips softly, showing me the three kid toilets on Amazon.

   "They're so cute.. I really want to get them. And their perfect!" He said grinning at me and snuggling into my side. I chuckle, a batman one for Andy, a hello kitty one for Ashley, and a snake one for Jinxx. 

   "Their perfect. Big enough for them but look like we can store them really easily." I said softly, noting that they were a bit bigger then baby potties, but not bulky. "Get them. Hopefully they'll be here soon." I said looking over at our three babbling babies. Andy crawled up into my lap and laid his head on my shoulder for a nap. I chuckle and rubbed his back gently, letting him drift off. He needed to sleep anyway.

**Time skip**

   Andy stood behind me, eyeing the toilet shyly, glancing up at me then back at it. "Potty?" He whispers shyly, bottom lip pouted out. 

   "Yes baby. But only for tour if you can't have your potty. I know it's very scary, so Daddy and mommy are going to help you guys use them!" I say to get him less scared of the toilet, and more excited.

   "Mommy help?" He said quietly, smiling quietly and nuzzling my side happily. 

   "Yes baby. Mommy would help of course." I said lovingly, and he nodded, getting happier and feeling less scared.

**Jake's P.O.V**

   Ashley and Jinxx, which were clingy towards me, and I knew I was introducing their new toilets to them. They sat there and looked at the two toilets, looking at me, the toilet, then each other. Ashley let out a small little whimper, squeezing his hello kitty plushie. 

   "Hey, it's okay babies. I know that it's very scary for you to use them, but when we're on tour, you can't always have your diapers remember?" They both nodded. There were so many accidents on tour. A lot.. We ended up having a washing machine, a small portable one on the bus for them and their clothes.

   "So, Daddy and Mommy want to help you guys not have those. So you guys can have these and Daddy is here to help you." I explained happily. They perked slightly and nodded happily. I brought them into a warm hug and CC Came down with Andy and a smile.

   At least that part of tour was handled.


Hey guys! I hope you guys liked this and as always you guys can send in any prompts you'd like done.

I want to write Lonny into a fic, you know? I think he would be so cute in a bottom/baby position, so who do you think should be in a relationship with?

Andy, Jake, or maybe even Jinxx?

Let me know what you guys think!

Thank you guys for reading!

Love you guys!

Bye bye! ^.^

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