Danny X Dennis- Hate fuck

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Hey you guys!

Some people wanted Danny and Dennis having a hate fuck, with Danny as top. It honestly sounds like a really good idea and I hope I pull it off.

Let's get into it, and as always, send in some prompts.


**Dennis P.O.V**

   Danny and I got along surprisingly well. We were pretty good friends, and very rarely had any actual problems. 

   But my God we were stubborn argumentative fools. 

   Danny and I had hooked up a few times, but we by no means wanted to date. We argued on certain things. From music, to clothes, cleanliness.. We argued on most anything. But, even though I shouldn't think it, Danny was hot as hell when he was angry. He would get close to my face and against a wall, or grab me by my arms. I was a huge bottom, and he knew it. If he wanted the upper hand, he was ready to put me in my place with dominant language, and actions.

   "Dennis I swear, cut the shit!" He snapped at me, making me scowl. "No, do not pull that face with me. You need to shut your trap or I'll shut it for you." My pants tightened at that and blushed hard. Jesus Christ I would like to take him up on that.

   "Listen ass wipe, I don't take orders from y-" His hand slipped around my neck and gave it a firm, but not too aggressive squeeze. I gasp a bit, eyes widening, hand flying to Danny's wrist. For a moment I was a little scared. I knew, realistically, Danny wouldn't hurt me. But he was angry, he was horny... And it was so hot. Danny looked worried for a moment, loosening his hand.

   "Hey.. Is this okay?" He asked carefully. I nodded, pressing my throat into his hand. 

   "P-Please.." I whisper. "Please.. fuck me." I whisper quietly. He grinned and pushed me against the wall, squeezing my neck. A moan escaped me, and I gasp as he began to make out with me, knee between my legs and taking over my body. Anger and hate fucking was my favorite.

   And now I was getting it. He squeezed my neck harder and made me gasp weakly, shaking in pleasure.

   He pulled me to a bunk, one of the bigger ones, and stripped me off quickly. He wouldn't let me cover myself, tying my hands over my head and pulling my legs apart. I whine in pleasure and embarrassment, and he started to finger fuck me. He was never gentle, knowing how I loved his rough and quick sex pace. His fingers went faster, harder. He went against my prostate and made me gasp and whimper.

   "I love seeing you like this. You can finally shut up, and listen to who is in charge. You are mine, do you understand? You are going to listen to me. Such a loud mouthed ass, then a moaning shaking whore in moments. Isn't that funny." He hissed those degrading harsh words. Dirty talk that made me crazy. "I think I asked you a question. You. Are. Mine. Do you understand? Hmm? Do you slut?" He slapped my ass hard and I cried out in pleasure. 

   "F-fuck! Yes I'm yours!" I cried out. He chuckles, adding a third finger and not giving me a break at all. He was absolutely brutal with his finger fucking, giving me a taste of what he was going to give me. I realized this was something more, and bigger then what we normally had, but I didn't want to notice that right now.

   He grinned and bites into my neck and shoulder, sucking across my neck and lathering it in hickeys. I whined in pleasure, practically begging for his cock. He chuckles and bites my bottom lip and chuckles. He got between my legs, and pulled his fingers out before thrusting in. Hard. I cried out, back arching up hard. He started fucking me, hard and fast. He didn't give me time to catch my breath.

   "Danny... Danny!" I whined. "Please I'm gonna c-cum!" He chuckles.

   "If you do I won't stop until I have." He snarled in my ear. True to his word I came five times while he jack hammered away. Finally he released and I collapsed into a puddle of cum and sweat. I look up at him, shaking and shivering. "Danny... Oh God.." I whispered softly. He kissed my neck gently and laid beside me. 

   "Calm down Dennis.. Just rest. I'll handle this okay?" He said with a grin. I nodded and drifted to sleep.


It wasn't the exact prompt, but I hope you still like it. 

So thank you for reading. Leave prompts if you want too.

Love you guys.

Bye Bye^.^

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